.475 A&M Magnum
Trump is NOT and NEVER was PRO 2A,
This convention probably went a whole lot like this.
NRA: Hey look at all these anti 2a legislation ideas that we are floating around all the way up to the POTUS....
Government: hey those sound good let's try and ram them through.
NRA: omg everyone here give us money because the government hates guns and we are the only ones who can protect you (well not you CA, NJ, NY, MA, HI, IL, ..... fuck you all but hey give us money)
Trump: hey not only fuck the 2a but but but fuck the 4a and oh I support assault weapons bans waiting periods and now I'm going to add 21 age limit
Most of you: fuck libtards they are destroying the 2a and fuck Obama hes trying to take all our guns. Oh trump here let me give you all my freedom because you are doing politics 101 but not a politician so take everything you want because 5D chess game
You left out executive branch bump stock ban, which would have made all these peoples' heads explode if Obama had done it.