Jesus wasn't this issue put to bed years ago?
I think what @Darth is saying, in his way, is that this country was founded primarily on the value of individual liberty, not blind worship to anything, including a flag, or a piece of paper, or a person, either real or imagined. Whether anyone likes it or not, that's who we are. If you were in the military - thanks. I hope you fought for more than a flag or a person. You fight for each and every one of us to say whatever the fuck we want. Even if that means we say your service isnt what we want or hope for.
My take: Individualism is what this country is all about. Fuck collectivism in any form.
Oh, and fuck Behr Deckover as well.
and i agree with you....on all accounts.
as I've said in this thread and others, including my personal example...
yes it pisses me off when i see people that don't stand for the pledge or anthem.
And they have that right. Period.
same with burning the flag.
not sure how much more black and white I can make it.
If the fact that I say "charge them with open burning because IT IS a law" detracts from that, I REALLY don't GAF.
if it's the law and on the books then the argument of "oh well he said to find something to charge them with anyway" doesn't fly.
It's a crime/violation so have a nice fucking day and sit in jail.
don't like the laws, do something to change them.
Libertarians think there should be as little government as possible, but no less.Libertarians love to say, “no government, no government, less government, less government!” When its convenient for them... for example, @Darth you are for mandatory vaccines right? Correct me if I’m wrong but I know you’ve always have been for people getting vaccinated and this includes mandatory vaccines but at the same time they say less government but now you’re involving the government. I’ve seen this numerous times on libertarian pages (which I follow on Facebook and Instagram.) I called libertarians a hypocrite for that very reason, because they say “little government” when it’s convenient for them and more government when it’s convenient for them. A healthy scepticism of the state is good, because both historically speaking and even today, the biggest oppressor of humanity is government. Even in liberal democracies, civil liberties are violated far too often.
I’ve been super super busy and today was the last day of school so I didn’t have time to message everyone back.
Libertarians think there should be as little government as possible, but no less.
If you don't have enough government, you get anarchy. Anarchy is unstable and will quickly devolve into some very non-libertarian form of warlordism.
So, libertarians all believe in *some* government. We don't all agree on how much you need.
It isn't hypocritical if one libertarian thinks we need a little more government than another libertarian.
It’s supposed to be protected.Is "Hate Speech" protected?or is this just one sided? Since we say that burning the Flag is fine, how about the "N" word? Discrimination against Jews?? Are there not repercussions?
Is "Hate Speech" protected?or is this just one sided? Since we say that burning the Flag is fine, how about the "N" word? Discrimination against Jews?? Are there not repercussions?
Is "Hate Speech" protected?or is this just one sided? Since we say that burning the Flag is fine, how about the "N" word? Discrimination against Jews?? Are there not repercussions?
Me, I thing SCOTUS got this ruling wrong. Just my opinion.
What the fuck kind of username is that? Department of Defense 1776?
I didn’t want my username to be my first name anymore so I chose something random lol. My nickname from my recruiters is DoD and OD, it was originally soldierboy and my friends caught onto DoD and OD so now it’s that. so I just said fuck it because I had no other names on my mind. Shouldn’t you be asleep?What the fuck kind of username is that? Department of Defense 1776?
No. I work nights.Shouldn’t you be asleep?
Your googlefu is weak young tadpole. Try putting in flag burning and Supreme Court in the search engine.