.700 Nitro Express
You cannot win playing their games.Do you really believe this? First off Kanye is a fucking nut and Trump shouldn’t be seen with him anyway. Do you really believe the secret service just let some random unknown guest in and didn’t vet them or ask who they were? If you’re running to be president you have to be better than this with all the past racist claims and his background and history. Before this you could argue he wasn’t racist and didn’t support racists, but after this it is much, much more difficult. This is a losing proposition for Trump and the Republican’s. He’s a loser at this point and this confirms it.
Kanye West’s Antisemitic, Troubling Behavior—Here’s Everything He’s Said In Recent Weeks
From Tucker Carlson to Candace Owens, West has made the rounds of the right wing spouting conspiracy theories, antisemitism, and T-shirts proclaiming “White Lives Matter.”
Our only hope is someone who says "fuck those games" and manages to win anyway.
Trump managed that in 2016.
Unless someone can do it again, we're all doomed.