If the FBI finds nothing , Good. the democrats can fucking pound sand.
if the FBI finds nothing then the Democrats and the accusers need to go away in cuffs!
If the FBI finds nothing , Good. the democrats can fucking pound sand.
This collusion goes to the top levels of the DNC. Need to look for payouts and coaching.if the FBI finds nothing then the Democrats and the accusers need to go away in cuffs!
Sadly, I agree that this is exactly how it will go.President Trump Concedes – Requests “limited” FBI Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh – Democrats Respond: “this is only one step in the process”…
The senate (via Mitch McConnell), as an outcome of Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski not supporting the nomination, was no longer going to vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh without an FBI investigation.
President Trump calls for a limited investigation in scope and duration.
Within minutes of President Trump acquiescing to the well-constructed demands, DNC operatives speaking on behalf of their controlled client, Christine Ford, attorney Debra Katz and Michael Bromwich insist there will be “no limits”, and this is only “one step in their process”.
WHITE HOUSE: “I’ve ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaughs file. As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week.” (link)
BRETT KAVANAUGH (Nominee): “Throughout this process, Ive been interviewed by the FBI, Ive done a number of background calls directly with the Senate, and yesterday, I answered questions under oath about every topic the Senators and their counsel asked me. Ive done everything they have requested and will continue to cooperate.” (link)
DEMOCRATS: “A thorough investigation is critical to developing all the relevant facts. Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford welcomes this step in the process, and appreciates the efforts of Senators Flake, Manchin, Murkowski and Collins – and all other senators who have supported an FBI investigation – to ensure it is completed before the senate votes on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. No artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation.” (Link)
The Democrats are smart. They have now positioned the investigation such that any perceived interference by the White House will be weaponized. The public narrative will be to demand “independence” for the FBI; this allows them to manipulate the investigative parameters from within. Their operatives are already in place.
If President Trump, or any executive branch official acting on his behalf, attempts to set limits on the FBI investigation of a supreme court nominee, the President will have established the legal grounds for his impeachment. I know these people. I know their playbook. As Mr. Bromwich and Ms. Katz stated this is “a step in their process“.
Ms. Ford will avoid being available for an interview for as long as possible. She will then provide a name of a critical witness…. who will also avoid being available for an interview for a long as possible…. who will eventually also give a name of a corroborating witness, perhaps with recordings,… who will avoid being available for an interview for as long as possible…. And so it will go, and so it will go.
Within each step, each day in the process, the insider narrative engineers will be leaking “explosive developments” to the media; who will engage their readers with constructs of wide-eyed interest. Everyone will be enthralled; thousands of leads will be developed; the nation will be absorbed… Democrats will control every nuance.
This is just the way it is. Just like the electorate believes in “muh Russia”.
I will continue to outline the predictable democrat plays as tripwires in advance of them being triggered; hopefully, this will allow us to discuss honestly what is happening
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President Trump Concedes – Requests “limited” FBI Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh – Democrats Respond: “this is only one step in the process”…
Manchin and Heitkamp will only vote yes IF THEIR VOTES WON'T COUNT. If 51 Repubs vote yes, so will Manchin and Heitkamp. If < 49 Repubs vote yes, and Kavanaugh will not be confirmed, Manchin and Heitkamp will vote yes (and not change the outcome).Democrats cannot stop his confirmation unless they convince a few Republicans to vote no. Reportedly, two Dems were considering yes votes. I posit that a positive FBI probe would convince them to join the 50 republicans making for a comfortable confirmation.
Didn't the FBI already turn this down when Feinstein asked for it?