John Stark
.44 mag

Trump: Free IVF for All
SOURCE: *** The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD _ The Liberty Daily Recommends ONE Honest, America-Fi

"Under the Trump Administration your government will pay for, or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for, all costs associated by IVF treatment fertilization for women..."
Talk about pandering with tax payer money!
So when the government mandates that the insurance companies cover an elective procedure, we'll all be able to get a price increase in our heath insurance AND our taxes. Double whammy!
Why? Because low income people without any insurance or money will likely end up getting IVF paid out of the American worker's salaries as the will certainly be subsidizing this (Trump's words) either directly or via payouts to the insurance monopolies. Even better, when the Demscum gain power again, assuming Trump wins this time around, they will have a field days with that, and the 30-40 million illegals that are already here with be included in this program in conjunction with the welfare many of them are getting illegally, and while many of them will be working under the table in violation of our labor and welfare laws!
I guess we can also throw out any idea now of a Trump admin that will tighten spending and stop adding to the Administrative State infrastructure and bloat: you know, the real people who run the government behind our backs.
Win/Win for the Demscum/Republicuck parties, not so much for, you know, actual US citizens.
This will be another sweet scheme of political kickbacks and bribery (i.e. campaign donations) for the powers that be, and a very nice opportunity for our "representative" to cash in by buying stock in IVF treatment facilities and procedures with their insider information sources via lobbyists. Trump is making it clear that he knows the procedures are expensive (his own words) but he's promising it anyways.
Anyone else smell that? Smells like campaign desperation to me. YMMV
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