20×102mm Vulcan
Damn! Its refreshing to hear a presidential speech sound like its being given by a boss, and not some junior lackey.
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I was reading posts on the forum while he spoke, therefore I wasn't really paying attention. I take it from your response it was good?Damn! Its refreshing to hear a presidential speach sound like its being given by a boss, and not some junior lackey.
Damn! Its refreshing to hear a presidential speach sound like its being given by a boss, and not some junior lackey.
He said all the right things.
No more nation building. Clean up in Afghanistan, and make them help pay for it.
No more BS PC restrictions on the military - let the guys on the ground do what needs to be done. He also spent a lot of time calling out Pakistan for harboring terrorists while acting like they're on our side.
new rules of engagement too!! Woooo!! MAGA
bring everyone home from the Middle East and put them into border security and immigration to round up every bad guy who is already here. That's what will make us safer from terrorism numbnuts.
I listened to the whole thing and then switched over to Rachel Madcow on MSNBC to see how they'd spin it. They couldn't. He friggin nailed it tonight. That might be the most straight forward presidential speech I've ever heard.
Didn't see or hear it. I tuned out of most news several weeks ago when realized just how screwed this nation really is and just how powerless intelligent people are to change the course of our ship of state.
I'm surprised that we would be sending more guys. The guys that are there now are doing basically nothing but hanging around the bases for the most part.
Enough with this transgender nonsense you keep harping on. It's tiring. Nobody cares whether on this forum or out in public. It isn't on anyone's minds like it is on yours.I don't agree with some of his views and actions (LGBT most notably, followed by the revolving door garbage) but this guy is getting things done and his speech was solid. It's on YouTube and candidly it's worth blowing 27 minutes to check it out. Pakistan better take note. I also hope the Generals he is putting in charge of the policy are badass and not going to do that Obama-wimp-out bullshit.
- but the USS McCain running into an oil tanker is more characteristic of our leadership than anything Trump said tonight.
do you KNOW where this collision took place? It's one of the congested merchant marine choke points in the ocean.
regardless of that. The executive staff aboard the USS John McCain should be (probably will be) Court marshaled. As well as the staff of the Fitzgerald and possibly jailed for dereliction of duty. There really is no excuse for a collision at sea. especially with the Radar and sonar on today's war ships