If she wins, do you think she'll feel dirty spending all that Hatian relief money?You go girl.
If she wins, do you think she'll feel dirty spending all that Hatian relief money?
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No. I'm just hoping for a ton of unintended consequences. If it sinks them both, so much the better.The beast sold off 1/3 of the US uranium assets to the Russians and walked away without so much as a slap on the wrist. She took Bernie down without the voters even voting. She had Slick Willie meet Lynch on the tarmac and the FBI said all was good. She made sure Seth Rich committed suicide.
On, and on, and on.
Does anyone really think Tulsi has a shot at winning in a court in these here United States? Give. Me. A. Break.
Of course the money will be willed back to the clintons.If she wins she won't be able to enjoy the money. She'll just be another "suicide" brought to you by the Clinton foundation. I wouldn't be surprised if she "killed herself" before the trial starts
The beast sold off 1/3 of the US uranium assets to the Russians and walked away without so much as a slap on the wrist. She took Bernie down without the voters even voting. She had Slick Willie meet Lynch on the tarmac and the FBI said all was good. She made sure Seth Rich committed suicide.
On, and on, and on.
Does anyone really think Tulsi has a shot at winning in a court in these here United States? Give. Me. A. Break.
If Hillary can’t be president, no Democrat is going to be president. No one’s getting ice cream.
Normally I would say she doesn't have a case, but she is still in the Army reserves and subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice. She can be court-martialed. She is being accused by a past Secretary of State of being a foreign agent without any evidence. She might have a case.
masterswimmer said:Does anyone really think Tulsi has a shot at winning in a court in these here United States?
I see no reason to insult crustaceans.Crab behavior theory
Clintons at heart are just power hungry evil crustaceans.
Crab mentality - Wikipedia
chump change for the Clinton's
it is to the Clinton's
I'm pretty sure they're an anomaly. For Bill & Hil, I think the money is the ultimate goal. The power is a means to that.Still comes down to power. The money to them would be secondary. Power and control are their motivators.
Power and money are 2 sides of the same coin.Still comes down to power. The money to them would be secondary. Power and control are their motivators.
Power and money are 2 sides of the same coin.
One can always be exchanged for the other.
Well, maybe not exactly 'exchanged', more like one can acquire the other with either.
You got enough money you can buy power, organized crime and business titans have been doing it for centuries.