Didn't we learn anything from backing Mujahadeen. If you raise a scorpion and keep him as a pet sooner or later he will sting you. This is only the beginning.
It was perfectly ok for these people to operate in Donbas for 8 years and murder Russian civilians.
BTW, It's not just Azov, more mainstream Right Sector was involved in this as well.
These people are not a problem, blah, blah, blah......
Putin is just using them as an excuse, blah, blah, blah.....
Putler 1938 Sudetenland Annexation, blah, blah, blah........
Putin should look the other way and fight for genderless toilets, LGBT education for children and pride parades through Grozny.
We and our values are a gift to mankind.
Personally if all of Europe burned I would not lose any sleep over it. If it were not for the nukes in the region I wouldn’t care at all what goes on over there.
Personally if all of Europe burned I would not lose any sleep over it. If it were not for the nukes in the region I wouldn’t care at all what goes on over there.
I can't control what other people care about. Supporting, training and arming violent extremists in Europe or anywhere is a bad policy that will come back to this country sooner or later as it did on 9/11.