My guess is they would hope so.What is SUNY's response? Will she be allowed to continue indoctrinating students?
My guess is they would hope so.
Not related exactly to this story, but not unrelated either -
Anyone know what happened to the Pediatrician from Perinton who was caught stealing the "Repeal the SAFE Act" signs in Williamson? Her case got transferred to another court and then went off the radar. She popped up a couple of recent news stories about doing SJW stuff at RIT.
LoL, you don’t have much of an opinion do ya ?Scumbag bitch nazi commie propaganda pushing fat fuckin pig, I hope she has a festering giant brain aneurysm.
She was working at RIT for a while. They fired her because she was prescribing hormones for transgender students against policy. She sued over the firing, won her case and got an undisclosed settlement. She now works at a private practice specializing in transgender care.