I really do not want to bubba the rifle by getting polymer stock/forend for it.
Any help would be great!
I couldn't find any forend for the No.5 so I resorted to modifying a No.4 stock.
I had to bore out the trigger housing slightly and do some minor trimming because of the minor differences between the No.5 and No.4's - more specifically the safety switch, bolt release switch, rear hand guard ring and the trigger housing itself.
I cut the No.4 stock to 19" and cut out a 2" length from the front end. I mixed Gorilla Glue, epoxy and saw dust for the front end to where I cut the stock.
I shaped it down significantly to where I was pleased with the look; I'm sure I can do more but I'm not the best woodworker. I just need to get sand down all the pieces of the stock and dip it in some boiled linseed oil. Hopefully I'll be able to get a consistent overall color afterwards.
Now I can put away the original stocks and I can shoot the rifle without worries of damaging them. It was definitely a fun project and a change from working on modern firearms.
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