U.S. House committee to consider ban on some semi-automatic weapons
The ban would not include already legally held weapons, but would be aimed at semi-automatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine.
Are we getting close?
Good. Holy fuck.....
Stop pussy footing around and pass this shit now. Pass in the House and The Senate. Get it to Biden.
Sign this shit into law....
Well at least it's about time they call it what it is (semi automatic). You wouldn't believe the amount of people that think the ar15 is a fucking machine gun.
Next all semi auto loading guns will be in the "bad " category... The term "weapons of war " will eventually be used to describe the 1911 and all its bastard offspring... The glocks,sigs,kimbers... Any auto loading firearm.That's the whole point. They've successfully and thoroughly corrupted the public's perception with scary bullshit like "assault weapon." Now, they aim to take the fear and paranoia that they've surrounded "assault weapon" with and transfer it to "semi-automatic rifle." Of course that is the more technically correct term, much more easily defined term, and the term that encompasses a much broader group of arms.
They're moving in for the killing blow and we're so far behind the culture curve we're embracing it as a victory.
Best case is that it passes. Bring the rest of the country into the plight of NY, and with the current makeup of SCOTUS, this shit gets shot down once and for all.Goes to conference tomorrow. Has over 200 co-sponsors.. best case now is it dies in the senate
Best case is that it passes. Bring the rest of the country into the plight of NY, and with the current makeup of SCOTUS, this shit gets shot down once and for all.
Are we getting close?
No it won't.it will sear the message into the minds of generations of politicians that come after it
Doesn’t work like that with the enemies we fight. They keep going until the fight is over and pick up the ones who fell on the way out. The leftist are the same way. They expect casualties and don’t care who falls on the way to mission accomplishment.1) kill your enemy, he stays until it is safe to retrieve the body. Same number of fighters less one.
2) wound the enemy, it takes ~5 people to rescue. Less fighters on the field.
Doesn’t work like that with the enemies we fight. They keep going until the fight is over and pick up the ones who fell on the way out. The leftist are the same way. They expect casualties and don’t care who falls on the way to mission accomplishment.