20×102mm Vulcan
Waukesha Alone: Residents Feel Abandoned as Media Sweeps Story Under the Rug Over Narrative Concerns
Fox News was able to interview Brooks who said he felt dehumanized and demonized by the coverage. One, it’s because you are a monster. Brooks has been a menace to society for years. Two, what coverage? It has all but vanished into the ether—and Waukesha residents feel abandoned. It’s because Brooks doesn’t fit the narrative. A black man committing such a heinous crime cannot be covered for long. Most stories blamed the car for killing bystanders. Who was driving it, again? The New York Post had a lengthy piece about residents’ feelings of abandonment due to liberal media bias (via NY Post):
Screenshots of Brooks’ Facebook page, under his MathBoi Fly rapper handle, were mysteriously deleted right after the parade murders, and showed that he had praised Hitler, backed Black Lives Matter — and called for violence against white people.
Brooks’ case has now become a cause célèbre, not in the mainstream media, which was slammed for initially saying the deadly attack was caused by “a car” that drove into the parade, but by an increasing chorus of influential podcasters like Joe Rogan and online pundits who claim Brooks and his victims in Waukesha have been “swept under the carpet” by the press because it doesn’t fit their agenda.