Has anyone recently gone through the pistol permit application process recently? How long is it taking right now from the date you hand in the application until the time you receive your permit?
Thank you knuts. I can’t comprehend what takes them so long. I’ve gotten my DCJS background check myslef within 24 hours. What else other then maybe medical records can they be searching for? I remember when I originally got my permit 10 years ago it took just about 3 months. It’s crazyNot really recent but mine was
Called for appointment sometime mid June (2018)
Fingerprint and interview aug. 22.
Received approval letter oct. 31
Took exactly 10 weeks
my friend went in to pass a amendment 2 weeks ago asked the lady in the office, she said the times(for new applications, not amendments) are still very similar to when i got mine.
Do NOT handle the appeal yourself. Get an attorney.Hey guys. Been a litttle bit since I’ve been on but just an update. My pistol permit was denied. Gonna appeal but not sure where it will go. God NY is such a joke it’s sickining.
Can you disclose why? And who was the judge?Hey guys. Been a litttle bit since I’ve been on but just an update. My pistol permit was denied. Gonna appeal but not sure where it will go. God NY is such a joke it’s sickining.
Just curious, although I'm sure it doesn't matter.Judge doesn't matter... Most of the time it's a recommendation from the detectives.
Legal Representation – Advocacy - AttorneyCan i still ask for a reversal or meeting with the judge after a denial?
Yes of course. I am in the process with Amy ballantoni who seems from the reviews and a referral that she may be the one who can get this fixed for me. We will see. Of course I am skeptical at this point however if I thought I was the person I was at the time of the convictions they are citing I would not be so eager to try and have the decision overturned.
Thank you knuts. I can’t comprehend what takes them so long. I’ve gotten my DCJS background check myslef within 24 hours. What else other then maybe medical records can they be searching for? I remember when I originally got my permit 10 years ago it took just about 3 months. It’s crazy