20×102mm Vulcan
WHAT A HILLARY PRESIDENCY MEANS: Losing the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment, Forever
By Wayne LaPierre
“Only Eight Years of President Hillary Can Take the Supreme Court Away From Conservatives”
That headline on the Daily Beast website succinctly lays out the devastating threat to our liberty that defines the coming November elections—demanding that we as NRA members mobilize as never before.
You can bet that a Hillary Clinton Supreme Court will make sure to carry out her threat to “take back the Second Amendment” and that the protections of the First Amendment on free assembly and free speech—as exercised to perfection by NRA members—will be erased.
That entire progressive agenda is in danger if they “don’t get a lock on the White House and pack the bench for a generation.”
“If Hillary is elected and serves two terms,” the Daily Beast predicts, “the odds are strong that today’s 5-4 conservative majority … will be, by the time she left office in 2025, changed to a liberal one.”
Keep in mind that in the coming few years there could be at least three vacancies on the Supreme Court. And all it would take to upset the precarious balance between the Second Amendment as the law of the land and the Second Amendment as history is one vote.
Five to four. That was the one-justice margin that twice recognized the Second Amendment as an individual right: first in 2008 with Heller, which struck down the District of Columbia’s handgun ban and its prohibition of armed self-defense in the home; then in 2010 with McDonald, which found Chicago’s similar ban unconstitutional and thus applied the protections of the individual right to keep and bear arms nationwide.
Doug Ross @ Journal: WHAT A HILLARY PRESIDENCY MEANS: Losing the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment, Forever
By Wayne LaPierre
“Only Eight Years of President Hillary Can Take the Supreme Court Away From Conservatives”
That headline on the Daily Beast website succinctly lays out the devastating threat to our liberty that defines the coming November elections—demanding that we as NRA members mobilize as never before.
You can bet that a Hillary Clinton Supreme Court will make sure to carry out her threat to “take back the Second Amendment” and that the protections of the First Amendment on free assembly and free speech—as exercised to perfection by NRA members—will be erased.
That entire progressive agenda is in danger if they “don’t get a lock on the White House and pack the bench for a generation.”
“If Hillary is elected and serves two terms,” the Daily Beast predicts, “the odds are strong that today’s 5-4 conservative majority … will be, by the time she left office in 2025, changed to a liberal one.”
Keep in mind that in the coming few years there could be at least three vacancies on the Supreme Court. And all it would take to upset the precarious balance between the Second Amendment as the law of the land and the Second Amendment as history is one vote.
Five to four. That was the one-justice margin that twice recognized the Second Amendment as an individual right: first in 2008 with Heller, which struck down the District of Columbia’s handgun ban and its prohibition of armed self-defense in the home; then in 2010 with McDonald, which found Chicago’s similar ban unconstitutional and thus applied the protections of the individual right to keep and bear arms nationwide.
Doug Ross @ Journal: WHAT A HILLARY PRESIDENCY MEANS: Losing the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment, Forever