A pretty decent video on what a fudd is
It describes some people here.
Hate this guy and his videos.
I know what a true FUDD is, don't need to be told by this idiot.
And @Willjr75 is correct, many here are in fact Fudd's.
Hate this guy and his videos.
I know what a true FUDD is, don't need to be told by this idiot.
And @Willjr75 is correct, many here are in fact Fudd's.
I love this guy. I agree with everything he says with the exception of maybe about 3 different topics. Everything else besides those 3 things is spot on.
We agree with each other a lot on this forum so by default, you agree with him and like him. You just don’t know it yet. You let something about him prejudge your opinion.
Him. He bothers me. His look bothers me. His voice bothers me. His props bother me. He looks and sounds like an idiot. He is a nothing. Youtube guy. He talks into a camera and gives himself an air of importance.
I am pretty judgemental. I judge people all of the time. Sometimes, it is sickening how much I judge. It is constant. This jackass is no different.
Trust me there is lot of times the way he presents his argument annoys me but looking past it based on the actual statement
Didn't he recently have a stroke or some health issues.
Must have got caught with hands in cookie jar !Not exactly sure what it was (I will guess stroke followed by scratched cornia)
Didn't he recently have a stroke or some health issues.
same here .. . but is anyone else doing a pistol project .. how many has he funded ( with help) and gave away ..
Must have got caught with hands in cookie jar !
He's an idiot. Awesome that he saves little puppies and gives away guns. Wow, humanitarian of the year. Cannot get past his look and his act.
That’s a good quality to have. Wonder how he would fare if you pulled him over?
While it is a video that I wish i had the 12:39 I invested in my life watching it back he makes a very good point.