DON LEMON HARBORS TERRORISTS!!!uuum, doesn't This racist douche bag live with a white guy?
Talk about a hypocrite
At times he likes some white guy in him.uuum, doesn't This racist douche bag live with a white guy?
Talk about a hypocrite
Harbors them in his ass,,,,,freakDON LEMON HARBORS TERRORISTS!!!
You beat me to it!Harbors them in his ass,,,,,freak
The left has made it patently impossible to discuss race honestly in public, which is why anybody wise ought not to even try now. What happened to Megyn was inconceivably (until last couple of years) ridiculous. The left didn't make a mountain out of a molehill on that one. It was purely fabricated out of thin air. Too bad she apologized for it. I'm glad she is keeping all her money.At times he likes some white guy in him.
Why isn't any of his peers calling for him to be taken off the air? What a joke, the won't hold a token negro accountable for his words but let some white woman give an opinion on the old blackface, she's gone.
Friggen joke.
Lemon is a piece of shit but you know who's worse? That white guy who sits there like a good little bitch and listens to this without objection as his race is derided.
I heard a lot of stuff about how bad white people are. This double standard is eradicating the public discourse.There was a black guy and a scum bag in that video. I didn't hear the black guy saying anything derogatory about scum bags.
What's with the white sneakers? Clearly some kind of privilege thing going on.
They want a race war.
Can we feed him to a lemon shark.
Harbors them in his ass,,,,,freak
What's with the white sneakers? Clearly some kind of privilege thing going on.
Don Lemon is a well known leftist liberal racist. He talks like a butt hurt moron.