G-d bless this kid. Obviously his parents are doing a great job.
Not even the freaks know how many types of freaks there are:
From the comments section
Was this entire diatribe just another "America was a Christian Nation" bullshit statement? Because it certainly reads that way.Scientific American Goes Full Retard:
Scientific American Mag Publishes ‘Embarrassing’ Essay Claiming ‘Human Sex Is Not Binary’
A Scientific American essay deemed “embarrassing” and “pseudo-scientific” is facing backlash after insisting human sex is “not binary.”www.breitbart.com
Leftists love to talk about "intersectionality," partly because of their continuing trend of gloming onto big words in an attempt to sound really really smart, but also because they prefer not to line things up in a straight manner. The claim is that many things "intersect" with each other, producing patterns that show how racist, dull, bigoted, phobic, stupid, and dishonest normal people are for not listening to their betters.
America was founded mostly by "white" Europeans who "stole" the land from the indigenous people and set up their own racist fiefdom, making sure that laws and society were structured in such a way that the "intersectionality" of the American paradigm overlaps and compliments itself through the various means of oppression established by our forebears. This "intersectionality" kept whites in power while keeping a boot heel on everyone else. Or so the narrative goes.
However, as most right thinking people can discern with a bit of thought and observation, what we really see is the "intersectionality" of the established godless left and the institutions they now control, in whole or in large part, summed up as: Big Government and Big Business (Corporate culture now), and the way these two (once rival) factions are now integrated in ways our Founders would have been dismayed over.
Most of us who have ever read the Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance, the Articles of Confederation, and the US Constitution, which are Title 1 in the US Code as "Organic Laws" have at least a nominal grasp of what our nation was founded upon, and thus what our Government was predicated upon. I would say best practice for all Americans would be to dig deeper and at least read as many of the writings of our Founders as possible to really round that out, as their words not only bolster what we read in our Founding Documents, they make the "interpretation" of our Organic Laws, especially the two that are the basic laws of our nation (i.e., the Declaration and the Constitution) much clearer and much more certain than the mush we get out of Big Government and Big Business.
This article illustrates nicely the Big Business side of things. Scientific American magazine I'm sure is owned by some big media conglomerate, i.e., a corporation that is in the business of buying up all of the news media running in our nation. The author is a professor of anthropology at Princeton, a discipline I once had some familiarity with given my background in philosophy and history. Once known as the study of "man," or more precisely "mankind," and still a legitimate field of study, I can say with strong assurance that this discipline is a shambles of godless, leftwing, insane ideas, theories, and claims about men and women, with both sexes once being referred to for centuries by people who held to the notion of "mankind" (i.e., the category that includes human men and women, distinguished from the other forms of life, animals and plants). As many are aware, it is obvious that Big Education clearly "intersects" with the Big Government and Big Business fascist paradigm that now reigns over us, and that Big Education is just as sold out and bought up as Big Media is. While technically most universities (who LARGELY determine what is taught in grade schools and high schools, both public and private) are independent institutions and incorporated in some manner, they are VASTLY reliant on donations from evil/insane rich people, the corporations these evil/insane rich people run or own (including many foreign investors with very deep pockets) and obviously the largess of Big Government; i.e., that American taxpayer.
In short, the "intersection" of the government and the corporations is what gives us the moral wickedness and degradation that we are witnessing in real time. This illustrates the point that the abandonment of our Constitutional order and the Republican form of government (clearly labeled in our Constitution) has wrought for us actual fascism: the intersection of Big Government and Big Business. Thrown in with that are many Marxist ideas about economics, money, the oppression of the poor and under represented by the tyranny of the majority, and on and on.
The levers of power are out of the hands of the American People, and there is no easy way to change that fact.
In short, there has been a long running coup in our nation, going back a century at least, to overturn the established order and replace it with something that does not value Life or Liberty, and insists that our Happiness must conform to their queer (i.e., strange, perverse) ideas about everything, even though those ideas not only break completely with the Christian roots our nation was founded upon, but also with the practical theory of Natural Law that our Founders promoted and promulgated in those Organic Laws they established for their posterity.
Many people say that the godless left took over step by step, and that is the only way we are going to get out of this. However, that is nothing more than kicking the can down the road. Once full-blown tyranny takes hold, it is almost impossible to get the jackboot off your neck.
The soap box has failed, because these scum do not listen to wisdom and laugh at anyone who speaks it; or physically attacks them and shuts them up.
That ballot box is a joke, as elections in this nation have been cheated and rigged for a long time, as easily demonstrated in 2020 when they ran Trump out of office by unofficially declaring martial law and locking down our nation, our speech, and religious observance, and tried to mandate that everyone must inject poison into their veins to have a job and otherwise participate in society. Do any of our representatives truly hold fast to our Founding Documents and defend their constituents accordingly? Most of them are bought and paid for shills, owned one way or another by the rich donor class that props them up and denies us any true or real means of governing our nation or ourselves in the mannter that it was intended and ought to be.
The jury box is another bad joke. Not only are the courts often corrupt at every level of government, operating with disdain for our Founding documents and purposeful and ideologically driven malfeasance, anyone facing a jury is looking at the prospect of being tried by godless leftwing psychopaths lacking even a modicum of impartiality or decency (as we see with the farcical J6 show trials being run in DC), but also by the prospect that some publicly educated moron who has never read a scrap of our Founding documents, let along any of our laws. Further, illegal non-citizens are already voting in large blocks in every state, legally in some and illegally in all of them. I predict we'll be seeing illegals in the jury box before long (if its not already happening now in many jurisdictions).
Last but not certainly least, the most precious means our Founders gave us to stave off this day of tyranny, the cartridge box, is almost utterly impotent, because the American People still think they have legitimate political means to defend our nation from enemies, foreign and domestic, with the illusion of freedom buttressed by the very "intersectionality" of Big Government and Big Business that feeds us lies on our dime; in essence, getting us to gaslight ourselves and pay for it!
Our Founders understood that power must be wielded to establish a decent nation. They learned the lessons of their own forebears widely represented by the Protestant Reformation, and very specifically by their own British Protestant forebears who won the English Civil War, which deposed and executed a King who violated their Rights and their system of government, a king who had attempted to bar Protestants from the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Our Founders were governed by British law, and that law and their Rights under it were a very large part of the justification for the American revolution. To this day, the study of the laws of Great Britain in the run up to the founding of our own nation is used as a means to understand many things about our government, especially English Common Law and it relation to state laws, and to the reasons our British citizen Founders rebelled like their ancestors did.
The American People still have the power to put a stop to the evil that stalks our land. Unfortunately, we lack the determination and grit to be about it. How much lower we will sink is an open question, particularly when we are staring into the bottomless Pit.
It is Tyranny that has turned our nation into a hellscape. Moral and Natural Law are our only guide out of it.
Was this entire diatribe just another "America was a Christian Nation" bullshit statement? Because it certainly reads that way.
I find that most of the "Left" aren't as "godless" as the Right would claim they are. They just don't believe in the same things the Right does.
But both sides are determined to force their worldviews on everyone.
if our Founding Fathers were so determined to create a new Christian Nation, why would they write the 1st Amendment the way they did?
Were these men, who are regularly held up as shining examples of fore-thinking individuals, so ridiculously stupid as to undermine their own attempts at setting up a theological nation as their first act? Or were they as intelligent as we say they were, only blind to the oppressive and intolerant nature of all humans?
The answer to what ails America isn't forcing people into a religion they want nothing to do with, a religion with a history rife with abuse, oppression, and every other bad deed associated with the "godless liberals".
Yes, it makes it harder to declare certain behaviors anathema. You actually have to sit down, think really hard, and come to a reasonable, logical conclusion. Blind obedience to a book written by men a millennia ago, men who were clearly as flawed as any alive today, is not thinking.
Was this entire diatribe just another "America was a Christian Nation" bullshit statement? Because it certainly reads that way.
I find that most of the "Left" aren't as "godless" as the Right would claim they are. They just don't believe in the same things the Right does.
But both sides are determined to force their worldviews on everyone.
if our Founding Fathers were so determined to create a new Christian Nation, why would they write the 1st Amendment the way they did?
Were these men, who are regularly held up as shining examples of fore-thinking individuals, so ridiculously stupid as to undermine their own attempts at setting up a theological nation as their first act? Or were they as intelligent as we say they were, only blind to the oppressive and intolerant nature of all humans?
The answer to what ails America isn't forcing people into a religion they want nothing to do with, a religion with a history rife with abuse, oppression, and every other bad deed associated with the "godless liberals".
Yes, it makes it harder to declare certain behaviors anathema. You actually have to sit down, think really hard, and come to a reasonable, logical conclusion. Blind obedience to a book written by men a millennia ago, men who were clearly as flawed as any alive today, is not thinking.
if our Founding Fathers were so determined to create a new Christian Nation, why would they write the 1st Amendment the way they did?
Were these men, who are regularly held up as shining examples of fore-thinking individuals, so ridiculously stupid as to undermine their own attempts at setting up a theological nation as their first act? Or were they as intelligent as we say they were, only blind to the oppressive and intolerant nature of all humans?