.475 A&M Magnum
Who picked this nitwit to respond???
Im not even going to watch the response, fuck them anti-Americans
Who picked this nitwit to respond???
Where is everyone?
@GOPerfect etc
Longest speech ever?
I thought the same thing. When he had the guy stand up whose brother was shot and killed by an illegal alien, the poor guy was was in tears and the demon rats couldn’t even clap for him. They are pure scum.
I thought the same thing. When he had the guy stand up whose brother was shot and killed by an illegal alien, the poor guy was was in tears and the demon rats couldn’t even clap for him. They are pure scum.
I gotta say President Trump hit a home run tonight. Best damn sotu I heard in a long time. Seeing the Dems on display tonight with their silent protest bullshit made it clear to every American that they are a cancer to this country. I really like how Trump stuck it with the illegal alien who killed the 92 year old woman in NYC due to their insane liberal polices. And somehow they think he’s wrong! Then that ankle Pelosi (ankle because a she’s 3 feet lower than a cunt) ripping up the speech? I hope the Dems lose really bad this year. Really bad. There have been things about Trump I haven’t liked, but after the last month and tonight I can say give us four more years to KEEP AMERICA GREAT!
I'm so glad I watched from the beginning to the end. Reinforced everything I've felt about our president as well as everything I've felt about the democraps. That was a rebel rousing speech and hit the nail on the head.
Everything was put in perspective tonight. They’ve been out to impeach him from day one. Wasting America’s dime on this bullshit trial which is a sham. Meanwhile he demonstrated who the real criminals are- the Democrats and their warped policies. They are the villains! Trump has nothing but good for our country and they hate him for it. Because they hate the USAA bunch of us watched this together at work, the general idea was the same...
Americans need to hear the horrible truths of what is happening all around this nation.
Details, this was a perfect venue for facts of crimes committed by the dirty people invading our nation.
Like I said they are the fucking villains. Gaslighting and all. I hope when Trump gets re-elected he takes some serious action against all these treasonous libtards.Talking heads on MSNBC are comparing him, right now, to Joseph Goebbels,
Cannot make this shit up
They got but hurt even more today with the Iowa fiasco. Haha! They’ll all sleep good tonight!He basically lined them up at this point. He gave them enough rope to hang themselves with the rediculous impeachment. What did that do? All it did was reinforce his base's belief that the establishment has been out for him from day one, and probably increase viewership of the SOTU by them.
What have the dems done in four years? The dems will go down as just crowing "IMPEACHMENT!" for four fucking years when people are in those voting booths thinking who to vote for next. They managed to eclipse anything they could've done otherwise. They'll be known for nothing else but being butthurt -- and Trump kept stoking the fires on their self smearing campaign. Pelosi even warned them it was the wrong path, but they forced her hand. Big. Mistake.
Not saying he's perfect, or that I even like him all that much, but he sure does know how to keep feeding the trolls at the right times.
When you have no valid argument you have no alternative but to name call, ridicule and try to despairage.Talking heads on MSNBC are comparing him, right now, to Joseph Goebbels,
Cannot make this shit up
Trump did promise we would win so much we would get sick of winning. We r not there yet, but we r doing pretty dam good! God bless President Trump!Just remember, The only real winners in regards to Winning, is the American People.
Trump did promise we would win so much we would get sick of winning. We r not there yet, but we r doing pretty dam good! God bless President Trump!
And, when they compare the president to people like this they basically are comparing his supporters just the same.Talking heads on MSNBC are comparing him, right now, to Joseph Goebbels,
Cannot make this shit up
I heard she did.Does anyone know if Ginsberg saw her shadow when she left her crypt?