This!Easy to answer. To ensure the IG report and the congressional testimony of the inspector general this week get no coverage at all.
Many years ago it was revealed that roughly 125 so called "journalists" created a newsgroup where they shared opinions and talked about crafting consistent messages across different media outlets. It was called the Journolist. The creator claimed it was stopped once the word of its existence leaked but many people assume it is still in place just under a different format. Given how consistent the media themes have been of late its a safe bet they were behind this sudden prominence of immigration news.
It's all a big lie anyway. Watch the fake tears roll!
Obozo did the same thing. But he was the MSM's darling.Its sucks that kids have to go through something so traumatic, genuinely. They are innocent victims, and it would be nice to see something better than fenced in areas for them to be kept at while processing. I feel bad for these kids, even if its their parents fault.
But it really is a political attack on trump since he is enforcing the laws that obozo ignored. We need the damn wall already to help reduce the number of people entering illegally.
And the fake outrage over PDJT meeting with Rocket Man didn't gain traction either. What a bunch of pathetic putzes.It's mostly an act IMO... The Democrats are desperate as they have gained nothing after the Russia and Stormy thing etc.
So they are manufacturing outrage about this hoping that tugging on hart strings will damage President Trump to some extent.
Should lock Fonda's ass up for about 10 years .Paid for fake outrage. Well the real wack jobs like Fonda and the rest of the useful idiot's aren't fake.
Over 43,000 Americans have been killed by illegal immigrants. If you don't want a wall built, - you may be more the problem than the solution.