Why isn't Trump doing anything? ... Well, except for the other 209 things that he has done in only 2+ years.
That list of accomplishments makes for a WALL of text.
I am happy with President Trump so far, he has done more good for the country than the last 4 Presidents combined... IMO
But I have to say, President Trump needs to start keeping his promise of "not only protecting the 2A but strengthen it".
And I want to see top ranking Democrats from the Obama administration in prison or in front of the firing line.
The only thing Trump can do by himself is recind the Russian Sanctions that Obama put in place on Kalashnikov via Executive Order or veto any gun regulations that come across his desk.
The only thing Trump can do by himself is recind the Russian Sanctions that Obama put in place on Kalashnikov via Executive Order or veto any gun regulations that come across his desk.
I would also like him to lift the import restrictions on Russian SVT40s, SKSs from Clinton and the May 1989 import ban by Bush41 of sporter rifles,,dare to dream.
I'm not making excuses for the guy because one can never know what he knows but I bet he doesn't even know those restrictions exist and if he does, he probably doesn't even think it's even an issue because you can buy American made ones even though none exist. I'm pretty sure all the guy has ever owned is pistols and doesn't even know that their is a high demand for foreign made guns.
That's my guess anyway.
Either that or he believes Russian and Chinese rifles are evil or more dangerous than American made ones. My guess is that he doesn't even know.