I'm for equality, I've seen equality; lots of women shooters shoulder to shoulder with men at the range. I know an excellent woman rifle coach who's team one year was 80% women. These aren't women who pretend to want to be equal, they are equal. So the feminist progressive democrats of the world can kiss my brass.
Great article. I do feel men and masculine men are under attack especially. Look just last week a man chased a 16 year old kid with a knife in an area I frequently walk in with my parent, wife, and kids. I'd have shot him to save that kids life if it came to it. I'd have tried to order him to drop it and to his knees, but I'm only saying it once.
The real problem is that many men are becoming feminist. Some even mutilate themselves. The left wing proganda especially after Obama's 2nd term finished, has made many mentally ill individuals come out of the closet.