20×102mm Vulcan
Will Angela Merkel blame Truck not Terrorist for Deaths in Berlin
In recent years the Obama administration, on more than one occasion, has blamed deaths during terrorist acts not so much on the terrorist, but on his weapon of choice. After all the attacker is never viewed as an Islamic Terrorist according to Obama and the mouth-pieces around him, but nothing more than an innocent victim of his environment. The real perpetrator is never the man but instead, the gun, the truck or even the plane. The manufactures of these weapons of mass destruction must take the ultimate responsibility for the carnage resulting from their use. Furthermore state governments around the world must be forced by leaders in the United Nation to enact laws insuring these destructive devices never fall into the wrong hands.
Will Angela Merkel blame Truck not Terrorist for Deaths in Berlin |TRUMP LAND
In recent years the Obama administration, on more than one occasion, has blamed deaths during terrorist acts not so much on the terrorist, but on his weapon of choice. After all the attacker is never viewed as an Islamic Terrorist according to Obama and the mouth-pieces around him, but nothing more than an innocent victim of his environment. The real perpetrator is never the man but instead, the gun, the truck or even the plane. The manufactures of these weapons of mass destruction must take the ultimate responsibility for the carnage resulting from their use. Furthermore state governments around the world must be forced by leaders in the United Nation to enact laws insuring these destructive devices never fall into the wrong hands.

Will Angela Merkel blame Truck not Terrorist for Deaths in Berlin |TRUMP LAND