.475 A&M Magnum
Trumps an asshole, always has been, always will be, and i`ll still give him my vote for the 3rd time. There is no phucking way in hell i will EVER vote for that whore and her pedo running mate. I`ve never once EVER voted for a demOrat my entire life, i sure as phuck ain`t changing that after almost 70yrs. This will be my last vote anyway. After these idiots get done phucking us over while they get rich, i`m done with it. There hasn`t been any politician in my lifetime worth the time of day. All they do is phucking lie, and then lie some more, while getting rich. Phuck`em all. Including trump.
Dude, I'm going to turn 61 years old next month. Ho Lee Fuk, how did this even happen so quickly?
Anyway, I disagree with much of what you have to say about Orange Man Good.
But I have to say, I hope that when I get to be your age I am just as cranky...