They won’t even answer the question because they know the overwhelming majority of the USA do not support abortion up till the day of birth as they want.
I listened to all 8+ minutes of that vid - Cornyn never said that - he should have, but actually he did not. And, yes, the mocha-java woman with the bug-eyes probably does have a screw loose.
ETA: and for those who might wonder - I oppose abortion from the picosecond the DNAs from sperm and egg combine to make a new DNA "entity" and 1 new cell containing that DNA starts to grow and then divide.
all I got from this questioning is, these people testifying before any congressional committee, are very well schooled in how to avoid answering a question.
If a person is asked a question that requires a simple answer, they should be required to respond. Like in a court of law, if you don't answer the question, you are held in contempt? why is that not an option for a committee hearing? stop dancing around the answer.