Of course, Pud-head... err Pudip... Says the legislation opposed to this unConstitutional Law is backed by "corporate monied interests".
Really? You're so sure of that, you useless piece of oxygen-wasting drivel?
I'm not a corporation, and no one has EVER accused me of being "monied". Yet I oppose this infringement on my Rights.
you don't think my Assemblyman or Senator aren't aware of how upset I am at this egregious usurpation of my Constitutional Rights?
Not sure I should watch the rest of this. I'll just get my blood pressure up.
where did they find Petraeus? This guy is NOT well spoken.
and PUD-head says guns deaths are up from 2014 to 2015? He forgets to mention guns sales and ownership have skyrocketed. The NICS, as reported by the FBI, are at an all-time record high.