.308 Win
Stumbled on to this today seems like an excellent idea for keeping a pistol nearby and secure.
manual safeties and locks on pistols are pointless..
For your application. High speed low drag operators operating tactically "knowing" what other people should be using in their kit. I don't mind manual safeties.
most pistols didn't have manual safeties until the 80's and 90's. and that was due to feel good anti gunners freaking out and demanding that they have safeties.
if you can't keep your muzzle in a safe direction and keep your finger off the trigger, then you shouldn't be holding a gun. the only reason early 1911's and hi-powers had safeties was because they were single action triggers with very light pulls. now most pistols have a da/sa trigger.
even most pistols now that have safeties only have them to function as a decocker so the gun can be carried loaded, with a round in the chamber, safety off. striker fired pistols were never meant to have safeties. do revolvers have manual safeties?
the only thing a mechanical safety on a pistol is guaranteed to do is fail when you need it.