Coach busses burn up pretty good lol. On the way to Binghamton there was a bunch of Muslims standing on 5he side of 81s in Castle Creek, highway closed. Bus burnt to the ground.
@Edwardteach72, managed to secure quite a bit of 9mm ammo for the inaugural trip with the SIG. If the Romeo Pro gets through a 1k round burn down test think that will start to change your mind?
@Plater1, watching a Swift trainee back into a dock. It'd be funny except the trainer is just yelling at the guy tge whole time. I don't see how that's going to be productive. I'm grateful my trainer wasn't like that at all.
What a relief! For the past few years I had thought what I was wishing for was an enormous asteroid to collide with and obliterate this miserable garbage rock of planet but Styxhexxenhammer says it's just that I am a little rankled. How wonderful it wasn't something more serious, I can breathe easy now. Yay.
I have never been the biggest fan of MidwayUSA, however they have consistently had some of the lowest ammo prices, particularly in 5.56, during this ridiculous panic and excellent shipping times to boot. Just ordered a 1,200 round case of IMI M193 this morning and it has already shipped as of this afternoon. At least I have a more than a full day's training ammo banked again.
I have had around 4 hours of sleep in the last 60 hours, I will be getting home around 9pm tonight and I gotta be up by 6 for work tomorrow. I am either about to snap or pass out.
State Police: 4 injured after Broome County bus fire