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I have never been the biggest fan of MidwayUSA, however they have consistently had some of the lowest ammo prices, particularly in 5.56, during this ridiculous panic and excellent shipping times to boot. Just ordered a 1,200 round case of IMI M193 this morning and it has already shipped as of this afternoon. At least I have a more than a full day's training ammo banked again.
I have had around 4 hours of sleep in the last 60 hours, I will be getting home around 9pm tonight and I gotta be up by 6 for work tomorrow. I am either about to snap or pass out.
Did you throw your ELD out the window? Get some sleep driver!
They got the Amendment form on Oct 23, 2020. Here we are going into week 8 and nothing. Dont they understand that lay-a-way plans have expiration dates?
"I'll take the Titegroup." LOL are going to drive all the way up to Buffalo ? If you can get it to Rochester I can get it down to Chester and you can pick it up where we met before. Trust me Chester to Buff and back is a looonng ways! Let me know!
I was going to try and arrange some type of pick up and exchange. Thanks for offering. Where in Rochester is a good location for you to meet someone?
Hey need some advice. I did my first AR build and when I went to load it the bolt carrier couldn't and had a hard time pulling the bullet from magazine. I've noticed that 2 putts 3 are really hard to reload and i used one of those hard reloading ones when I took my first shot. I'm worried that there is more going on than just the mag being to right. I hand loaded 2 bullets and just took 2 shots because it was late
I am an absolute nervous wreck with everything that's going on. I just want to stay home and bunker up, not drive around blm territory.
This is what I am worried about, these disturbances pop up with no warning and I have to drive around Pittsburgh. I turn a corner and OH SHIT, rioters blocking the road. I can't just bust a u-ie in Pittsburgh's narrow streets. I got the Galil sure, but we all now the authorities are looking to nail anyone's ass to wall that defends themselves.
What the fuck has happened to this country?!
Fucking scum democrats.
Infiltrated. Just as effective as being invaded, maybe moreso.
Your safety comes first. If you're dead, then it's game over regardless.
Friday, oct 23.
Clear skys this morning should get a good view if the ISS. Coming out of the SSW sky about 7:03 AM for central ny. Not sure if the supply payload is still attached.
Broome County Sheriff dispatch calling for every available officer respond to Main St Whitney Point. Officer safety. Firearm displayed in a dispute
Anyone looking for a good deal on holsters, Bravo Concealment is running a special, b1g1, any configuration (outside, inside, etc). 2 for $53 total.
10% order coupon whoever orders from there, msg me
I got a custom continental, I got an Eldorado too, I got a .32 gun in my pocket for fun , I got a razor in my shoe. Who am I ?
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Baddest man in the entire danged hamlet .. wait, that doesn't sound quite right.
@Plater1, considering getting into the hotshot game.
Don't know much about the car haulers. I see lots on the toll road in Indiana and Ohio though. I'm at an age where 21 days out would drive me nuts.
Well, 7 of for 21 is a bit more than the 2 days off per week that is normal and while I prefer to be home every night I have learned with this dairy job that driving is what I really love to do. It is hard to find home daily gigs that let me reel of no touch freight miles. I had one previously but that company went under. So I have to set my priorities and find an acceptable balance.
Frankly I should never have moved to Johnstown in the first place, jobs are not in abundance. Had I moved to Carlisle PA area I'd have my pick, better yet I should have gotten my CDL right out of the Army and stayed in Texas.
Wouldah, couldah, shouldah I suppose.
@Edwardteach72, I'll do a beam comparison between the FW3A and the PLHv2 Modlight when it gets dark. I'll post up the videos in a thread. Or maybe just pics, depends if I am too lazy to mess around with video hosting.
Listening to Johnson City PD call for a medic for a dog bite and hearing the perp screaming in pain brings a smile to my face :D
The wheels are in motion for project "Truck Gun"
I'm in Chicago at least once a week, I was in Kenosha 2 weeks ago. I agree completely a "truck gun" is a good idea.
Having a brace on it makes things easier, if its legal to carry a pistol its legal to carry a "pistol".
RSO Volunteer at Blue Mtn
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Almost 2 weeks and still no part from Savage. They emailed me that the required part, a small spring for the bolt, was "restricted"
and could only be sent to my FFL. Don't understand that but WTH they live in a blue state so who knows. My FFL contacted them and Savage told them they would ship the part. I asked Savage twice to update me when the part was shipped but now they ignore my emails.