Or the perp could have not been a savage, could have not attacked his family and could have complied with the cops.![]()
The only thing is, leaving the weapons around thing is akin to saying people can't get ahold of guns if they're locked up. Or even completely banned. A knife though? That can be had literally anywhere. His family can't be where he is 24/7 and there is only so much you can do to make a grown man take his meds.I'm probably not going to be popular for this, but I blame the family.
They KNEW this mentally compromised person was off his meds. They KNEW he could be violent when in that situation. Yet they still left dangerous weapons around for him to get hold of, then called the cops when he became threatening with one.
What did they think a cop is going to do?
Cops or mental health people don't have some magic wand they can wave to quiet down someone who is in a rage (I'm sure it could be argued that the cop's pistol was a magic wand, but it isn't.)
pay site.![]()
WALSH: Lancaster Solved Its Rioting Problem In One Day. Here’s How They Did It.
This was shaping up to be another week of rioting and chaos in an American city. It was Lancaster, Pennsylvania this time, home to Amish villages, cornfields, and other rural attractions. Rioters descended on the town on Sunday night, pillaging, looting, burning, and doing all of the other...www.dailywire.com