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  • I fell out of the back of a trailer last night right onto my knee caps and now there are the same color and shape as a plum.
    Great cover story.
    In 1967, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz was asked what it felt like to take human life, "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed Communists"
    "Evil" is an abstract and arbitrary construct.
    Really? How would you describe the motives of: child groomers, child rapists, globalists, eugenicists, abortionists, communists, serial killers, murderers, etc.? I think that evil entered the world with the biblical fall of man and is very real and not abstract at all. It's visible in our daily lives.
    I ate a can of Hormel Tamales. Not great, not awful. I do however have the feeling of someone who has loaded a nuclear shell into Atomic Annie.
    I hate waiting in line behind someone picking out what flavor of cancer they want to smoke
    If you see a truck with Arabic script on it and the ridiculous dangling trim inside be warned: it's code for "doesn't know how to drive".
    means keep door closed, goat inside
    I'm telling you, they are a menace.
    Putting dangerously unqualified individuals, individuals that are unable to even read roadsigns or understand English instructions. Should be a felony offense. Giving such individuals a license should be a felony.
    God made a huge mistake when he let Noah escape the floods. He should have annihilated everything then. He should do it now.
    There is no smokin' in the prone position in bed. To smoke you must have both legs over the side of your bunk. Any man caught smokin' in the prone position in bed spends a night in the box.
    City people should stay in their cities and not infect the rest of the country with their presence.
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    Triple digit temps in southern PA today.
    This early into summer? What in the name of Walt Wittman's riding lawnmower is up with that?!
    I have reached something of a milestone in my life; I had to get some reading glasses.
    • Wow
    Reactions: NYGuns
    I use my cheater glasses to go and get some strange.
    Just got a call from work: I got a $1 per hour raise. No reason given as to why, I will happily take it however.
    @Edwardteach72, managed to secure quite a bit of 9mm ammo for the inaugural trip with the SIG. If the Romeo Pro gets through a 1k round burn down test think that will start to change your mind?
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    1,000 rounds would require 2 drops from shoulder height onto concrete :ROFL:

    But for real, looking forward to hearing how your experience goes
    I'm not going to purposely drop my new $1,000 gun on concrete. But I am a lumbering klutz so I may accidentally do so. So far I knocked it off my rib cage high kitchen table, a couple times off the arm rest of my recliner and once of my bedside table. Dot is still working so far. That has to count for something doesn't it? Oh, I also banged it into the wall goofing around doing room drills. Sight first even.
    @Plater1, watching a Swift trainee back into a dock. It'd be funny except the trainer is just yelling at the guy tge whole time. I don't see how that's going to be productive. I'm grateful my trainer wasn't like that at all.
    My first trainer was a jerk. Its probably the same guy in that Swift truck. He ended up failing a drug test during my training. The second driver they put me with was one of the coolest people I've ever met. So i guess it balanced out.
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