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  1. J

    Hochul says F U to American workers, you will be replaced

    If things are so bad that health professionals need to be fired, shouldn't we shut down schools, concerts, sporting events, etc?
  2. J

    Hochul says F U to American workers, you will be replaced

    So Hochul's new EO says college nursing graduates can work in hospitals for 180 days without certification. NY just went from a state with one of the most strict standards for nurses, to likely the lowest standards in the US.
  3. J

    Hochul says F U to American workers, you will be replaced

    That makes me nauseous. Also, did she compliment Trump for Operation Warp Speed?
  4. J

    Hochul says F U to American workers, you will be replaced

    I still can't believe that medical professionals are not allowed to make decisions on their own medical care.
  5. J

    Why Can’t Democrats Pass Gun Control? (Article)

    Surprisingly good news from the Atlantic
  6. J

    Hochul says F U to American workers, you will be replaced

    I'm sure Hochul will just sign an EO to eliminate the credentialing process due to the 'public health emergency'. That's what the last guy would have done.
  7. J

    Black Aces Bullpup Pump

    I know this is a year later, but what do you think of it? How's the reliability?
  8. J

    People in AOC’s district are questioned on the amount of taxes the rich pay

    That's correct. The tax laws should be reduced to about 4-5 pages, eliminating all the crap that makes this sort of thing make sense.
  9. J

    Hochul says F U to American workers, you will be replaced

    From the article: 'After Monday, employers can fire unvaccinated workers who don’t have a “valid medical exemption” for getting the shots.' I thought after Monday, employers were required to fire unvaccinated employees. If they can fire them, that's a totally different game.
  10. J

    SEPTEMBER 17th Constitution Day

    Please sir, may I have some rights....
  11. J

    Biden to announce vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 employees

    Probably one of the clearest written articles I've read on the topic:
  12. J

    Biden to announce vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 employees

    If Biden can't make the legislative branch get vaxxed, how can he make anyone get vaxxed?
  13. J

    Chip shortage vs Oil, steel, rubber, and everything else that causes

    Funny how the vaccine supply chain isn't seeing any issues....
  14. J

    Five-Hour Course Proposed For Gun Purchases

    I'm not sure how you get 5 hours out of: Always treat the gun as loaded. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  15. J

    Multiple Stadiums break into chants of F Joe Biden at Division 1 football games

    'We could actually be past the pandemic if people stopped pretending we were past the pandemic before we’re past the pandemic.' Ex-gov Cuomo told us the pandemic was over. There were fireworks and everything!
  16. J

    Supreme Court Denies Bid to Block Texas Abortion Law

    If you substituted 'guns' in the place of 'abortion', it would sound exactly like all the anti-gun legislation that has passed over the last several years.
  17. J

    Current State Election Audits of 2020
  18. J

    Letter from Legislator Ellen W. Birnbaum - Thankful for State Action on Gun Safety

    So the Scott J. Beigel Unfinished Receiver Act was passed to commemorate a person who WASN'T killed with a 'ghost gun'? According to this article, the shooter used a rifle that is NOT a 'ghost gun'...
  19. J

    Infrastructure bill passes with 60 votes.

    OBD2. They already use it for NYS inspections.
  20. J

    Majority of New York state Assembly support beginning process to impeach Cuomo: AP

    It doesn't matter if they begin the process to impeach. What matters is how it ends. I see them going through the motions, then not finding enough evidence to impeach.
  21. J

    AG confirms FUAC is a sexual harasser

    It's just history baby! NY governors being NY governors...
  22. J

    AG confirms FUAC is a sexual harasser

    From the press conf: Journalist: 'What's the next step?' AG: 'The office of the AG has done it's job. That's up to the governor, the assembly, and the people' I interpret that as nothing will happen. Too bad it's not up to the people, it looks like more people are happy that they say he...
  23. J

    Mandated covid19 vaccines for all NYC employees

    On the radio they just said all CA state employees would need to be vaccinated or be tested twice a week. Just wanted to share their own numbers. Yes, cases are going up, but as the virus mutates, it becomes less deadly, as shown by their own numbers:
  24. J

    Mandated covid19 vaccines for all NYC employees

    He ( Mayor Bill de Blasio) continued: “If people want freedom, if people want jobs, if people want to be able to live again, we have got to get more people vaccinated.” That sounds fantastic!
  25. J

    PA May Tax Deliveries

    I can't believe PA beat NY with this idea on a new tax.
  26. J

    Cuomo declares NY state of emergency to address surge in gun violence.

    “It’s personal,” said Hochul as she announced in her hometown that crime would be addressed similar to that of #COVID across the state. I don't see how killing more senior citizens is going to stop 'gun violence'.
  27. J

    Professors lecture on white privileged.

    Me too. I was testing in 93-94, and was finally called for interviews in 97-98. I had moved on by then and would have had to take a pay cut to go into law enforcement. The area took a pretty significant nose dive by that time, too. Although, I could be retired if I went the other path. I'm...
  28. J

    Professors lecture on white privileged.

    In the 90's I tried to get into law enforcement with a criminal justice degree. I lost out to other applicants at more than one department because they had a quota to meet. The color of my skin didn't help me at all.
  29. J

    DERELICT DEMS IN TEXAS: TX Gov. Greg Abbott On These Hypocritical Lawmakers

    I thought masks were required on planes?
  30. J

    Pocket gun

    I also have a CW380, which is the poor man's P380. I've had zero problems, but my understanding is that you get a good gun right out of the box, or you don't. For me it's a great gun and it's very light and small, but still controllable.
  31. J

    Air Force Responsible For Mass Shooting!!!

    I'm pretty sure the shooter is 'mostly responsible'.
  32. J

    Cuomo declares NY state of emergency to address surge in gun violence.

    Sheriff Harder from Broome County is on the radio. The host asked him about Cuomo's emergency declaration. Harder said, 'It's a joke.' Then when on to talk about how Cuomo only goes after law abiding citizens, not the criminals. I really like him. He made great statements in a town hall...
  33. J

    Underage girl stabs Uber driver

    At least we know the 18 and 20 year old men will have their pistol permits revoked.
  34. J

    San Jose is first U.S. city to require gun owners to compensate taxpayers for gun violence

    When they find out how many people are killed with hammers every year, am I going to have to get hammer insurance for all my hammers, or will one policy cover them all?
  35. J

    San Jose is first U.S. city to require gun owners to compensate taxpayers for gun violence

    Maybe they should just sue the people who are convicted of the crimes.
  36. J

    Portion of Atlanta want to secede from the city

    The big cities are starting to come apart. Retail sales in the portion of the city that wants to secede generates $2.9 B in taxes for Atlanta annually. The city had better do something if they don't want to lose that...
  37. J

    Current State Election Audits of 2020

    I guess you can't just factory reset them and call them good.
  38. J

    Full Auto in Chicago Street

    Who is stupid enough to get out and shoot up another car when your car is clearly in the middle of traffic, with no clear escape route? The right lane was pretty clear, but 3 or 4 cars could fill that lane in 10 seconds.
  39. J

    Current State Election Audits of 2020

    Arizona’s Maricopa County will replace voting equipment, fearful that GOP-backed election review has compromised security (
  40. J

    Socialist candidate, stuns longtime incumbent in Buffalo mayor’s race.

    I don't really know anything about India Walton, but her logo looks like the bird to me.
  41. J

    Rockland next in line for attorney general’s gun buyback program

    Maybe the gov REALLY did own them first. Look at this line from an article about a buyback in CT. "A total of 101 guns were returned by the end of the four-hour event and many gun locks were handed out to residents to secure firearms that still remain in their homes."...
  42. J

    Rockland next in line for attorney general’s gun buyback program

    I wonder how hard it would be to convince them you're turning in an 'assault weapon' if you have a garbage, wood stocked, semi-auto .22 with a detachable magazine, that you ran a die over the end of the barrel to thread it. According to the law, that's an assault weapon.
  43. J

    Colorado shootings

    It really sucks that Hurley was killed, but you have to admit, a good guy with a gun stopped the threat before the police got there .
  44. J

    Biden remarks on gun control (merged threads)

    Do they have F-15's and nuclear weapons in Afghanistan? They must because our military has been there for almost 20 years. Biden mocked gun-rights advocates who say they need assault weapons to fight the government: 'You need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons' (
  45. J

    Colorado shootings

    Here's a better article.
  46. J

    Colorado shootings

    It looks like the responding officer may have shot the good samaritan that took out the original threat.
  47. J

    Biden to sign Juneteenth bill, creating first new federal holiday in decades

    The CDC is taking this holiday seriously! I didn't realize the feds could get anything done this quickly! "The CDC's independent advisory group, called the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, will meet next week to review the cases. The meeting was originally scheduled for Friday...
  48. J

    40mm Granades found in a guys backyard

    They should make it illegal to steal weapons of war.
  49. J

    Troopers who guard Cuomo being interviewed in harassment probe

    Don't worry, Cuomo will get a fair trial: "But he notched a key win in the session’s final days last week when the state Senate confirmed his picks to fill two vacancies on the state’s highest court—both of whom would sit as jurors in a possible impeachment trial." That's a quote from this...