Well, if you look at the Wisconsin recount, and only look at the recount in the City of Milwaukee, going by the daily spreadsheet released of each days count, HC has lost a total of 54400 votes that were counted in the orginal election count, but not in the recount. That is just one city, in...
Every once in a while you'll see some new articles on it. Supposed to be one in or around Ithica. Seems like if they were here, the government would be taking them out..
The other thing I found interesting was the idea these particular rifles were intended to be used on the battle field..really? These folks don't understand much do they?
Actually, anyone who reads your posts will come to the same conclusion that I have. Your a keyboard commando who doesn't have a clue, and shows it everytime you submit a reply. I don't have to argue any point, you have done it all for me. Your inability to string together more than one...
I find people say what they mean, and mean what they say. If you are so stupid you can't properly phase your comments, maybe you shouldn't make them to begin with. You started out with your tough guy lock them up shit, and then back pedeled like the little bitch you are when called out on it...
There's a difference between authority and ability. I said they don't have the ability, but, I can assure you if pushed they damn well will enforce it. As I said, I don't have a problem with people who shouldn't carry doing so, as long as they aren't around me. But my opinion is certainly not...
If the government "should" prevent someone from having a gun, they should also have a duty to lock them up until such a time as they present no danger to those around them. I have no problem with that at all. Lose of freedom is a direct result of their danger to sociality..
I don't see how...
Well, that's just it, you can't. But on the other hand you can't lock them all up either, it's just not feasible to do so. Even if you only locked up the ones you were sure would reoffend, we don't have the money or the resources to do so. The only sure way is to kill them, and you know how...
And what you continue to miss is that last statement stands by it's self. It is a conclusion that you have come to. It is saying that regardless of who you are, what your circumstances are or what abilities you may or may not have, that, if you are ineligible to carry a gun, you should be in...
Do people really "lose" their rights? If those people who are around the mentally ill or anyone else the government deems not capable of owning a weapon allows them to have one, do they really lose their rights? I believe it only boils down to what others allow them to do, this is what Lanza'a...
They've already said they weren't going to follow the law either. That big sucking sound you hear is our taxpayer money going to help illegals in this state as well. There oughta be a way to stop this. We won't be able to vote them out, so we need a way to stop them legally...
Lost? What really is there to lose? It's a difference of opinion. It's a difference of how one would act around people who shouldn't have or be allowed near a gun. You would probably leave a loaded gun laying around so a toddler could get a hold of it, or let a mentally ill person use one...
"You have been using every liberal card in the playbook. Words like common sense and supported actions like restricting the rights of a few for the greater good have come from you."
Yeah whatever, like I said before, your the one who wants to lock people up because they can't be trusted with a...
The government is certainly arming up big time. Every agency has become armed to some degree. It will be interesting to see what a Trump government will do should an upraising occur. If the liberals ever got the gonads to do something other than wine, maybe Trump would arm us as well...
This>I just do not agree with your stance on this. There are people who should have 2A rights, and there are those who should not. But, not having 2A rights shouldn't mean you are locked up for life..
Now your modifying your stance. Now we have included knives, axes, clubs..basicly anything that could be used as a weapon. I absolutely understand your statement. You are twisting yourself all up trying to defend it..ok, so let's not include children in this...really? Guess it depends on...
Yeah, wrong. If I distrust someone, they aren't around me, period. The government is in charge of rights, not me. I am not, and have never been a member of the government. I have zero say in anything, nor have I made any statements to the contrary about anyone's rights. Unlike you who made...
Now we're just being stupid. I'm pretty sure everyone has met someone they wouldn't trust with a gun at some point in their life, who is not a criminal or even mentally defective..I'm done with this conversation..
And you don't get it...I DIDN"T TAKE THEIR RIGHTS..OMG man really..I just don't trust them with a gun, and, I don't think they should be locked up, like you do...
Em...sorry, I don't want violent felons to ever have a gun or weapon back. Only way that happens is to keep them in jail, which would require longer sentences. If any felon wants his rights back, they can patition the court to get them back. That is how it is, and how it should be. We as a...
I give up, if you can't or won't understand what your own idea implies for people who are non-criminal, but still shouldn't be trusted with a gun, then there is zero help for you...
Last sentence I interpt as stating..that if you aren't violent in free society you can't be trusted with a gun...
Then make their sentences longer, or make the death penalty used for a wider range of crimes. There's a wide range of things that could be done, but, holding them because you THINK they might do something isn't one of them...
Read that last line again, i'm pretty sure that's not how you want it read. As far as your pre-crimes statement, not me taking away their rights, I'm just saying there are people I don't trust to carry a weapon who don't deserve to be locked up...
To which I answer how many deaths have you read about with toddlers shooting someone? At least 2 in the last month. Not all mental patients are locked up, we have a large liberal population as proof. Besides, do you think the Aroura, SandyHook, and about a dozen other shooters were sane? So...
Really? You seem fixated on the whole violent crime thing, which is only one part of your statement. I've already made it clear on my views about violent criminals. So let's put all that off to the side for a moment. Instead, let's pick up your statement, and I quote, "anyone who can't be...
Nobody will do anything until life gets too burdensome for them. As long as they have food, beer, sex, and internet they are complacent as cows to the slaughter. Take any of that away for long enough and then you might get some response...
Our encomy will implode before any of the...
No, I get exactly what you are saying. And I am saying the founding fathers would not agree with you, and everything you are for is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. If you wish to live in a dictatorship, move to another country...
Every crime has a penality, when that has been met they have paid their debt to sociality. It is unconstitutional to hold them longer than they have been sentenced to. Also, prisoners do very much have rights. In fact they have almost as many as we do. There are very few rights they actually...
Maybe, but we have larger problems and that is our debt and our econmey...I think both will tear us apart before our differences will. But that's just my .02 cent's worth..
Yeah, sorry, I don't believe anyone who commits a violenat crime with a weapon should ever have that right back. Has nothing to do with a left or a right, and everything to do with plain ole common sense. Besides, most of these people commited the crime of their own accord, and yes, there...
They can have them back if they petiction to get them back, they are the ones who screwed up, and there oughta be a penalty for that. They should have to prove they deserve the right to carry again.
I don't write the laws, however under our current laws, these people do not have the right to...
Drug users, ex-convicts, people who have felony dwi's, mentally ill, and anybody else who may have had their eligibility to own a gun removed. There are so many different classes of people made ineligible to carry, and that doesn't mean they belong in jail. Some of the current ideas are to...
There are lots of people living in the US that are not eligible to carry who do not belong in jail just for that reason. Not all ineligible people are a danger to society. Wow, just bat shit crazy, wow, not even sure how anyone could think along lines such as these...
Naw, I think I got it...
Most, if not all, of the voter id laws passed included free id's. You just had to show up with the correct paperwork to get them. And most of them were struck down as unconstitutional.
I don't believe you should have to have id to carry. However, your contention that if you are ineligible...
For the most part, I agree with your statement. But, bait would be nice if used for bears. With our stupid law of not shooting bears out of a group, it begs the question of how long do you have to wait to make sure the bear is not in a group? According to the DEC, regardless of whether the...
I try to keep a very low profile. Was treasurer of Steuben County SCOPE for the first year of their existence, got noticed by NYS tax department, was not fun..