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  1. Mr. terzmo

    Recert repercussions?

    I guess you missed what the minorities have done the last few years.
  2. Mr. terzmo

    Everytown lobbying report

    Illegals are now “fashionable” to the democraps so they are untouchable
  3. Mr. terzmo

    Recert repercussions?

    And the saddest part is the “House” is doing nothing about it and none of the tax paying class are up in arms about this. Now if , some sort of benefit or forgiveness was extended to old white folks, there would be action all over the Country.
  4. Mr. terzmo

    Gov Douche ba.........I mean Hochul say's you'all are clowns.....

    I’m a “deplorable clown” now. What else will the democraps add?
  5. Mr. terzmo

    Recert repercussions?

    No issues yet but when buying or selling a handgun, one may find the permit is revoked and now are in possession of a handgun illegally. I don’t support it but I do know murphy’s law
  6. Mr. terzmo

    Recert repercussions?

    Any handgun permit people in NY fail to recert? If so, any repercussions?
  7. Mr. terzmo

    S-3340 ERPO reporting passed Senate

    “May be dangerous”…WTF…..that’s like saying 10 is the “number” for a legal mag in ny. Everyone has a different definition of “may be dangerous”…and our staunch republicans contributed to the passage? WTF!!
  8. Mr. terzmo

    coffee prices will no longer be factored into the CPI inflation data.

    Just eliminate everything that goes up. Cook the numbers. Joe will look like he wants to. Anything gone down?
  9. Mr. terzmo

    Yet another money grab by New Yorkistan

    NY definitely sucks in a lot of areas. The appeasement I get is to save the bottles and return them for 6 cents each on OMF Wednesday. I save the money during the year and spend it on Christmas. Usually around 250.00 on average.
  10. Mr. terzmo

    Police arrest grandparents of teens in fight against rising youth crime

    Back in the 50’s a family did not want to see a policeman at their house, especially if one of the siblings caused problems to warrant the policeman to be there. The Parents would be shamed and most likely soon to move as the neighbors would cease any interactions. Back then, no internet and tv...
  11. Mr. terzmo

    US soldier arrested in Russia

    You can’t fix stupid
  12. Mr. terzmo

    US soldier arrested in Russia

    My 2 cents..anyone not on orders to go to Russia..Iran..North Korea..China..or similar countries ; They are on their own and get zip for support.
  13. Mr. terzmo

    Nancy pelosi and 16 other granted highest civilian honor by Biden

    I can’t support any book or religion that supports elimination of all non believers of that “religion”. Someone should ask the protesters if they have converted to muslim and if they didn’t ; do they know the people they support want to eliminate them and all of their family. Hamas will smile at...
  14. Mr. terzmo

    Nancy pelosi and 16 other granted highest civilian honor by Biden

    I agree. When I separated from service My Supervisor said I could apply for the Bronze Star if I wrote the narrative for him to sign. It was one step higher than the commendation medals I received and was SOP to award one step higher upon discharge. I declined.
  15. Mr. terzmo

    Nancy pelosi and 16 other granted highest civilian honor by Biden

    So bidoon did another favor for his democraptic cronies. It was bound to happen as he knows he’s on the way out. I give it a “no shit sherlock” No surprise.
  16. Mr. terzmo

    Dexter Taylor Vs. New York (Bushwick Man Indicted for Illegal Possession of Ghost Guns )

    Who had a license to make firearms in the 1700’s ? Was there a “permitting office” in 1783? I’ll take a WAG here and think there was no ATF then either.
  17. Mr. terzmo

    BREAKING NEWS: Scores Killed, Hundreds Injured as Extremists Riot in Boston Area(Revolutionary War)

    The difference between then and now, using the same scenerio, is that Father’s , Brother’s, Daughter’s would be shooting at son’s, Brother’s,sister’s etc now. Not just redcoats. Anybody out there looking forward to that day?
  18. Mr. terzmo

    New York is Muslim now?

    I would not care to have the “Church” attached to the Government. Can anyone imagine what the taxes would be? Plus a lot of “mandatory” legislative actions. I like it as is. It’s voluntary…so far
  19. Mr. terzmo

    Iran Attacking Israel

    Now bidoon can say “don’t do it again”
  20. Mr. terzmo

    Iran Attacking Israel

    It’s sad that our “Ally” Saudi Arabia would rather sit on their camels rather than go into Yemen and take the hooties out. I understand their thinking that they pay to have anything done because their armed forces are a farce. And of course our Government kisses their camels @ss. if Saudi would...
  21. Mr. terzmo

    Iran Attacking Israel

    Iran may find out that one does not spank the tigers @$$.
  22. Mr. terzmo

    New York is Muslim now?

    Would be a perfect time to take a knee.
  23. Mr. terzmo

    New York is Muslim now?

    In God We trust. Not in allah We trust. The Christian God died for our sins. Other wants to convert and or eliminate. Preferably eliminate all infidels. This Country is getting so F@#ked up that I am not sorry to be closer to my end vs beginning. I feel sorry for all you youngsters out there. It...
  24. Mr. terzmo

    Happy Ramadan Everyone!!

    I was baptized as a catholic, had no say in that matter..first communion as a catholic, parent mandated, but never got confirmed. My observation as a religious instructed public schooler was the nun’s were some of the meanest women I ever knew. Whacked across the hand by sister Mary beat your...
  25. Mr. terzmo

    Happy Ramadan Everyone!!

    One religion doesn’t preach the destruction of non believers.
  26. Mr. terzmo

    Today is the NYS primary anyone voting?

    Not picking on You but ALL of US are to blame for what is the condition of the border, economy,foreign affairs,entitlements, etc. All of Congress and the Executive Branch of government are more interested in their “position” rather than the Country. They point fingers at each other and say what...
  27. Mr. terzmo

    Today is the NYS primary anyone voting?

    I voted but not for bidoon as I was trying to up the vote percentage of people not voting for him but that didn’t help much, needed more to do the same
  28. Mr. terzmo

    Pittsburg PD goes part-time and won’t respond to non in-process calls overnight

    Appears Christmas shopping for the hoods has opened earlier than usual in Pittsburg this year
  29. Mr. terzmo

    California gearing up to fight Trump whithouse

    A person can shop in a Made in America store and the owner buys a Samsung tv with the profit. I buy American made cars/trucks but can’t control how the profit is spent.
  30. Mr. terzmo

    California gearing up to fight Trump whithouse

    But the profits stay in America.
  31. Mr. terzmo

    California gearing up to fight Trump whithouse

    I wouldn’t want to drive in any foreign vehicle and nothing said can change My mind. Ford..GM..Dodge full size trucks or cars are My only consideration. Save the time and effort trying to sell foreign. I’m not “buying” it.
  32. Mr. terzmo

    Long Island County Executive Wants to Deputize Pistol Permit Holders

    Why not just make it legal to shoot looters ,arsonists, etc. So ,if Deputized, they would be allowed “black rifles” with larger than 10 mags. Makes sense.
  33. Mr. terzmo

    Natural gas ban struck down because it violates federal law

    In the future ,if this green crap is not controlled properly, the US will ruin itself by trying to go zero emissions while China..India..all of SE Asia continue to build coal plants and fill the oceans with trash. At some time the US will fail, be taken over, and every asset sucked out of it for...
  34. Mr. terzmo

    Natural gas ban struck down because it violates federal law

    I didn’t grant her anything. Only the @$$holes who voted for her did.
  35. Mr. terzmo

    Natural gas ban struck down because it violates federal law

    Hochul will either ignore it, as the crap act, or just take a different route to make it impossible to use. As the crap act. Court decisions that don’t appease her are just ignored.
  36. Mr. terzmo

    Viral right-wing homesteading influencers are demonizing migrants and pushing nativist conspiracy theories

    If anyone doesn’t follow the rules, by law, they are eligible for some sort of punishment. NOT the case for the illegals who are fed,housed,given an allowance, and put in the express lane for citizenship. I support gathering all of them up…ALL..and sending them back to wherever they came from...
  37. Mr. terzmo

    New bill pushes for shorter 32-hour workweek across the country with no loss in pay for workers

    I worked 40 plus hours a week.had 6 days off a month instead of the traditional 8 and once a month..every month worked 14 days straight without a day off. Did that for 20 years , along with many others. Complaining never came up.How did We cope or survive…
  38. Mr. terzmo

    New bill pushes for shorter 32-hour workweek across the country with no loss in pay for workers

    You think inflation is bad now..see what happens with this bonehead idea
  39. Mr. terzmo

    Unelected Pentagon Official has extreme views

    “There’s no Taliban coming in through Mexico. When has a terrorist ever come in” Is this guy an undercover communist attempting to brainwash the populace? All that’s coming across the border is the tooth fairy and Red Cross worker’s…WTF
  40. Mr. terzmo

    Insurance rate increase! (illegals the cause?)

    Fairly soon, illegals will insure themselves to the max, injure another illegal, sue the insurance carrier and be setup for life in the lap of luxury
  41. Mr. terzmo

    Insurance rate increase! (illegals the cause?)

    How about school taxes for people who have no children. Or why is the tax the same for no child to 15 or more. And now increased for interpreters. Maybe if I had an interpreter to explain to me WTF the teacher was getting at, in English, I would of had a better average.
  42. Mr. terzmo

    llion manufacture Remington rifle and shotguns

    Can’t go wrong with an 1100 or 870 pump
  43. Mr. terzmo

    Three incendiary devices found in Chester home

    Anyone have some left over fireworks? M-80’s or Ariel bombs? Oooooooh..trouble..sparklers..
  44. Mr. terzmo

    Breaking: Haley is out

    I supported Her instead of Trump and are disappointed that She won’t bow out gracefully and support Trump. GOP is hailing that it is one solid Party but if Haley doesn’t support Trump, as Her political pledge, it again displays the non unity issue brought up by the opposition. For the GOP to win...
  45. Mr. terzmo

    White Rural Rage (book)

    yes..white rural rage. Hard working law abiding conservatives that are enrages by the government and lefts action. We stand for the anthem,not kneel. We honor our history, not tear it down. Our youngsters play rather than force fed a political view by their parents. Our youngsters are content...
  46. Mr. terzmo

    Is congress going to put the Independent Contractor OOB?

    Aren’t illegals independent contractors looking for work? How they gonna pick oranges in californiastan?
  47. Mr. terzmo

    China Is Secretly Arming American Criminals with auto sear switches,

    We bailed China out in WW II. And they sneak attacked us in Korea..supported N.Vietnam with weapons and advisors..steal everything they can..and STILL the government and business love it. We should not be involved with China on any level except to give them the finger
  48. Mr. terzmo

    Ann Coulter Corners Bill Maher with Ugly Fact He Can’t Deny the uncomfortable truth about how media reports crime.

    Is this really current news? Censored for years now. I give it a “no shit Sherlock”