So 2011, no bombings, 16 murders.
2015, lets take in the most refugees of the entire EU.
2022, 45 murders, 100 bombings.
They don't know what caused this, but nothing to do with 2015, at all.
You know, because for the last 50 years the Swedes have always been known for meatballs, put it...
I really enjoyed the sailing classes on Lows lake, but the shooting and archery were def top of the list. Oh, plus the chasing bears out of camp informal classes.
Go sit at a free summertime/lockdown lunch pickup for kids and look at the cars coming through. Much more expensive than mine. Would pass by this line every now and then while out on errands.
Now add in the value if benefits and pension and let's see what that number is. Amazing how union jobs never include those line items. My company tells me my total cost to them, salary, benefits, company 401k contributions, medical, everything. That is how you measure an employees compensation...
As stated above, a private business should be able to refuse a customer for any reason. If they don't like guns, then they can ask you to leave, if you are shirtless, they can ask you to leave, if they don't want to bake your cake for your wedding, so be it. Don't leave, then you can get...
So anyone who still has loans 2 years from now can plan on another 10k of forgiveness to insure a Dem gets elected in 2024. 2 years after that...
This is just designed to buy votes. A real "fix" would have done away with interest charges accruing on any federal loan in good standing, meaning...
Don't we have a rule on this forum?
Moderator edit: can we avoid the personal attacks please? There is an ignore button, Please use it. We put it there for your pleasure.
Wow, that is crazy, anyone left on the police force that didn't shoot this scumbag? Oh, and this....
The Erie County District Attorney's Office said it was determined only one of the officers was shot by Bell, and the other two were struck by friendly police fire.
When that gunman has killed everyone and comes out of the room, we will kick his ass 6 ways to Sunday. In the meantime, we will wait right here with our rifles.
Expected riots if he had taken the shot? 0.
Would he have waited and asked permission if the school was full of fellow cops about to be ambushed? Shots were already fired, seems a no brainer if your priority is to protect civilians.
Not sure what was being used to shoot these cops, but one of the bullets got stopped by a hat? Not even an impressive looking hat.
A photo shared with CBS3 by FOP President John McNesby shows the bullet lodged in the highway patrol officer’s cap after he suffered a graze wound.
NAACP President Derrick Johnson described Walker's death in a statement Sunday as a "murder" and said pulling over for police "is often a death sentence."
These are great talking points for the sheep, but, from what i read, he didn't pull over, he led them on a chase, first by car, then on...
Which one???
Investigators learned the child's age and details about the woman from domestic incident reports on which her name appears, the official said. The reports include her name, those listed as former boyfriends and the name of a second child who was not with her at the time of the...
CA loves to go after companies that breach privacy, think the above will be added to the list here?
What would he do with "arms" in the same situation? Throw it at them?
"He added that while he does support the right to bear arms and protect your home, he doesn’t agree with shooting and killing intruders."
I don't think this news has anything to do with ethanol percentage. It appears that it is an attempt to let the petroleum industry off the hook for fines from not buying as much ethanol during the pandemic as the government mandated. Bottom line, the gov mandates a certain volume of ethanol will...
So where does the Biden administration fall in this list of organizations after arming the Taliban?
The President also vowed to “increase controls to dismantle the organizations dedicated to illegal arms trafficking”
Next week I pick up the lease buyout we grabbed. 21300 after tax, blue book is about 28k right now. Loaded Chevy SUV with 11k miles. And my parents filled the tank!
Well, this is an interview of the dude in question, with him talking. Not sure how a first person account can be compared with third, fourth or even fifth person account given by MSM. If his personal account of his own actions and observations are in question, then how can anything we see posted...
I think that has been disproved, but your point is still taken. Never know which 'simple parent' has the required skill and/or sheer determination to end something like this.
We would also have a few or more dead parents and maybe orphans to add to the collective uproar. Granted the parents would be ok with their decision, I doubt LE or the nation would be. I also question if the parents were even there at the critical moments to make a difference. Some traveled from...
Good thing kids will be safe from themselves if we raise the gun age to 21
But sure would have been nice if the shooter was concentrating on the door and the window rather than the helpless victims. I think that is part of the guidance to chase and engage immediately, the more fire cops draw, the less likely it is that the shooter concentrates on the victims.
So not a single cop thought hey, let's go look through the window and see what is going on? Maybe we can shoot him from there. From video I have seen the windows were very high up and would have needed a ladder to reach. Again, not an easy entry for a single gunman lugging a lot of gear already.
If it takes that little to shoot out a secure door, then it begs the question, why did the cops wait for a key to open the door rather than just shoot it out in a few seconds? Maybe it is not as easy as that? Now, presumably, we are talking two different doors, but I would hope the exterior door...