Exactly what I say as I argue this with the Elmer's at my Trap range and some of my moron friends, its a POLL TAX. Imagine a fee for any other constitutional right.
Out of curiosity since I drive by it all the time, wondering if anyone has any info on the club? Specifically if they ever have open Trap or Skeet?
Club doesn't have any online presence but appears to be maintained as its always mowed and the Skeet and Trap fields look nice from the road. Any...
Their AR mags are good, the G17 mags (I own 4) have not been great. I can only get 9 in the mag, routinely have failure to load issues and one is cracked down the back already, maybe had 30 rounds through it.
Shooting on state land so much lately and I'm sick of laying out a tarp to catch all my brass, also time to take the spur off the 15-22 and try out a Thordsen.
High bear populations for sure, keep your food away from you and in a “bear hang” and you shouldn’t have any problems. With that said, I still always carry Bear Spray and a firearm. Such a rural area, not many locals outside Warren and Kane, largest area is Bradford in the northeast part I...
I don't know of any that are adults only, but below is a list DEC ADK campgrounds I've been to that have been primarily adults. If you're willing to backpack there are endless possibilities for camping with no one around.
Sharp Bridge CG (North Hudson) - Small, close to high peak region so a...
I have backpacked in ANF, beautiful area for sure. There are at least a few "rustic" campgrounds and a bunch of first come first serve spots throughout the NF, many are accessible with RV's. I believe they also have a campground you can reserve spots (in normal times). Below is a source I use...
Stoeger Uplander 12 ga - Just picked up recently from @ArmedCorgi along with another 22. Ordered another full choke for it so I can mess around with clays. My first SxS, will mostly like use it for grouse in the fall.
Remington Speedmaster Model 552 in 22LR, L and Short - Purchased from OSS in Duanesburg a few years ago. I love it because its one of the few semi autos that will cycle 22 short. Made in 1976 and I was able to track back to the original gun shop, a place called Duffys Inc in Maryland...
If you're willing to hike in, there are endless options for both campsites and Lean tos. DEC also has a ton of what I call "car camping" spots, most are not published anywhere (a good resource for these is andyarthur.org, just search the area you are looking and he has a lot of maps). If you are...
Marlin Model 782 in 22 WMR. Inherited from my father who said he got it in the late 80s, same Bushnell scope thats always been on it. Accurate and fun, recently had some issues with Aguilia 22 WMR so I'll be sticking to CCI from now on.
Midland Backpacker in 410. Purchased from OSS in Duanesburg a few years ago. I do actually take it backpacking, oddly enough, and have used it for grouse when spending a night or two in the backcountry. I actually shot a round of trap with it last summer, did better than I though - 15/25.
Henry 22LR with an old Weaver scope. My first gun, my father bought it for me in 97-98 time frame as a birthday present. I put the old Weaver scope on last year. Not sure how many rounds I have through it, thousands...grew up on a farm and shot it all the time.
SW M&P 380 EZ - Got it last year from Gunsmoke along with the G17. The only 380 I had was the LCP which is not fun to shoot (I know, not meant to be)...I really enjoy this pistol, 380 recoil is something my girly hands can do all day. Need to get a few more magazines and a holster.
Info: NY Compliant A2 Style AR. Anderson Lower (Boar grip) and Windham Upper (crowned). Built it last year, I prefer the classic look ARs, I do like some newer features but I despise the ridiculously tricked out ones. Windham was a little pricier but great quality and I like that they are...
Info: Mosin Nagant. Purchased in PA when they were like $100. I have not shot it much, I'm a girl when it comes to the big caliber stuff, just don't enjoy shooting them. I have this sold to a friend of mine who likes surplus stuff, just waiting on COVID to pass.
Info: Remington Model 581, 22 S, L, LR - Inherited from my father who got it from my grandfather. Super accurate iron sights and decent action. The magazines are less than desirable, made for 7 or 8 rounds but if you put more than 5 in there they all pop out, also cheap plastic. I dont...
Info: Glock 19, Gen 3. Purchased from Johnson's Country store in Lockport in 2011. My other carry if not going with my SW 637, Obviously very dependable and I really like it, probably have 3K rounds through it.
Info: Ruger Mk IV, 22-45 Lite Version. Purchased when they first came out from Gun smoke in Rotterdam. My most shot pistol by far, I bring this to the range almost every time I go. Vortex red dot works well, no plans to change anything on this so far. Super fun and cheap to shoot, also the...
Info: Erma RX22, 22lr. My second pistol, bought off an old co worker for next to nothing. I don't shoot it much at all, only has one mag and additional ones I can find are like $75. Its a cool pistol I guess, just not my favorite thing. I offer this the same as the LC9 and LCP, free if a...
Info: Baikal O/U, 12 Ga. Bought off a friend of mine who upgraded his trap gun. I put new chokes in it, but other than that I have no other plans for it. I only use it for trap, this one does eject the spent shells but can be switched off. I'll eventually get a single barrel Browning or...
Appreciate that! A lot of it is pretty new (less than 5 years old). I do clean each gun after shooting it, even if I fired only a few rounds....I know its not necessary, just how I've always been.
Info: Ruger American, 5.56 (takes AR mags). Purchased from Gun Smoke in Rotterdam and put a Holosun red dot on it. Like most of my rifles, I will eventually put a different optic/scope on it. Surprisingly fun to shoot, I got it as something I know would remain legal and could take my AR...
No spring in it but I believe it’s the same length/diameter...
You got me curious so just checked and Thordsen makes an adapter for the 15-22....guess I’ll be wanting/getting the Gen 2 sooner than I thought, thanks BD!!!
Info: SW MP 15-22, Gen 1. I think I got this right when they came out in 09/10. I got it from Johnsons Country store in Lockport if I remember correctly, that or maybe Batavia Marine. Such a fun 22 (not as fun with the stupid spur but still fun), I have 10K+ rounds through it for sure. I...
Info: Ruger LCP, 380. Purchased in 2011 off another member of my gun club at the time. Used to be my carry pistol but was retired when I got the SW 637. I have a decent amount of rounds through it but haven't shot it in a long time. I use this like the LC9 for my friends, if any they get...
Info: Ruger 10/22. Purchased a few years ago from Target Sports in Glenville. Not sure what took me so long to get a 10/22 but it quickly became one of my favorites to shoot. I had red dot on it for a while and recently put this Leupold on it. I have thousands of rounds through this one, I...
Info: Gen 5 Glock 17, 9mm. My most recent purchase from a few months ago, again purchased from Gun Smoke. Always wanted a G17 so finally got one, I've put 300-500 rounds through it so far and love shooting steel with it.
Info: SW Model 637, 38 Sp. Purchased form Gun Smoke in Rotterdam. Changed out the black rubbery grips it came with with these wooden ones from another SW J frame I had. This also quickly became my carry pistol for everyday use and when I'm in the backcountry. I put 25-50 rounds through it a...
Info: Winchester Model 67A, 22 S, L, LR. Inherited from father who got it from my grandfather. Not sure on the exact year he purchased, just know it was prior to 1963. I had used the iron sights for a while but never felt 100% with them to hunt with so had it drilled/tapped and put this...
Info: Ruger LC9. The first pistol I purchased, from the now closed Gander Mountain in Tonawanda. Not sure why I went with this as a first, I think the price was right and wanted something for CCW. I haven't shot or carried it in a few years. Now, I use it as a bargaining chip, any of my...
Info: Mossberg Silver Reserve, 26in , 20 Ga. Purchased at the Bass Pro in Auburn, the first and only time I have been there. I initially got it for skeet and still use it for that but its also my grouse gun if I'm just out for the day. I got into Trap last year and used it for that up until...