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  1. Beah

    This Weekend

    Sunday early evening (range is usually empty) - Taking the Glock 19, Ruger LCP and my new Marlin Model 60 out
  2. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Picked up a Marlin model 60 today from my LGS. I love my tube fed Henry so I'll enjoy this, cant beat the price either at $215.
  3. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    It is indeed! I made the mistake of shooting one of my metal targets rated for only 22lr and it dented the hell out of it, I was curious to see what it would do. This one is (according to the manufacturer) rated up to 44 Mag.
  4. Beah

    PA Pistol License

    I'll be turning in my paperwork to Crawford County at the end of the month, didn't realize it opened up a few other states as well, added bonus.
  5. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Winchester Model 67A and Remington Model 581 - One was my fathers the other my Grandfathers, my dad doesn't remember which, HA! Put 100-200 rounds through each today, the 67A needs some sight adjustment but was still fun. I will definitely be shooting the 581 a lot, good squirrel gun and a ton...
  6. Beah

    Vets want to ban AR15

    I am going to go out on a limb and say none of these individuals are veterans let alone combat vets, just paid actors. I intentionally don't have many friends but any fellow combat veteran that I still associate with or knew in the past has always been a huge supporter of the 2A, for good reason.
  7. Beah

    Bill introduced in NYC to make it illegal to contact workers after hours

    Ha! Its always the politicians who have either A.) never worked in the private sector or B.) Did for a little but couldn't hack it then went to "work" for the government who try and implement ridiculous laws/mandates like this.
  8. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Marlin Model 782 in 22 WMR which I have had since I was a kid. My father purchased it originally to kill woodchucks on our farm. Fired about 100 rounds through it at the range today.
  9. Beah

    NYGF Handgun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Pistols and Revolvers !

    Picked this up today, S & W Model 637. I've been wanting a revolver I can carry that is chambered in something larger than 22 WMR (I have a NAA Pug and SW 351PD). I went back and forth between this and the model 360 but the price on the 360 is more than I wanted to pay. The last time I shot 38...
  10. Beah

    NYGF Handgun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Pistols and Revolvers !

    Got the Pug out today, always a fun time and especially so today because I had the range to myself.
  11. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Added some wrapping to my lever action squirrel gun (Henry 22lr), It was a big relief on my knuckles at the range today.
  12. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Picked up a 10/22 today, been wanting to for a while and figured what better time than now? I also ordered the E. Arthur Brown M1 Carbine 10/22 Tribute stock and other accessories, most of it back-ordered but I'm in no rush. I've always loved the look of the M1 Carbine but never found one for...
  13. Beah

    Chest Rig; Concealed Carry; Multi-purpose

    Dated thread but I use the below chest rig, very similar to the Hill People but about $40 cheaper. The strap system is USA made by a guy I follow on YouTube, I use it to carry while hiking/hunting and keep camera batteries, cell phone and other misc stuff. Primal Outdoors Camping and Photography
  14. Beah

    What's your EDC handgun?

    LC9, just switched to a Crossbreed holster recently.