It is indeed! I made the mistake of shooting one of my metal targets rated for only 22lr and it dented the hell out of it, I was curious to see what it would do. This one is (according to the manufacturer) rated up to 44 Mag.
Winchester Model 67A and Remington Model 581 - One was my fathers the other my Grandfathers, my dad doesn't remember which, HA! Put 100-200 rounds through each today, the 67A needs some sight adjustment but was still fun. I will definitely be shooting the 581 a lot, good squirrel gun and a ton...
I am going to go out on a limb and say none of these individuals are veterans let alone combat vets, just paid actors. I intentionally don't have many friends but any fellow combat veteran that I still associate with or knew in the past has always been a huge supporter of the 2A, for good reason.
Ha! Its always the politicians who have either A.) never worked in the private sector or B.) Did for a little but couldn't hack it then went to "work" for the government who try and implement ridiculous laws/mandates like this.
Marlin Model 782 in 22 WMR which I have had since I was a kid. My father purchased it originally to kill woodchucks on our farm. Fired about 100 rounds through it at the range today.
Picked this up today, S & W Model 637. I've been wanting a revolver I can carry that is chambered in something larger than 22 WMR (I have a NAA Pug and SW 351PD). I went back and forth between this and the model 360 but the price on the 360 is more than I wanted to pay. The last time I shot 38...
Picked up a 10/22 today, been wanting to for a while and figured what better time than now? I also ordered the E. Arthur Brown M1 Carbine 10/22 Tribute stock and other accessories, most of it back-ordered but I'm in no rush. I've always loved the look of the M1 Carbine but never found one for...
Dated thread but I use the below chest rig, very similar to the Hill People but about $40 cheaper. The strap system is USA made by a guy I follow on YouTube, I use it to carry while hiking/hunting and keep camera batteries, cell phone and other misc stuff.
Primal Outdoors Camping and Photography