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  1. Beah

    Beahs Collection

    #4 Info: NAA PUG, 22 WMR. Got it 5 or 6 years ago, just a novelty pistol that I had wanted for a while. I'll shoot 25 rounds through it once in a while, I actually do have a decent little holster for it if I ever wanted to carry it. NAA quality is fantastic, wish they had more products. I would...
  2. Beah

    Beahs Collection

    #3 Info: Mossberg 500, 20 Gauge. Bought new somewhere in rural PA in 2008ish. Originally had a black synthetic stock but I swapped that with this wood one I bought on eBay a few years ago. I'll bring it on a backpacking trip once in a while but otherwise its my go-to for home defense.
  3. Beah

    Beahs Collection

    Thanks for that tip, just looked it up. Does look good, makes it even more like an M14.
  4. Beah

    Beahs Collection

    #2 Info: Marlin Model 60, bought it when I first moved to the capital region in 2015. Cheap Amazon scope, its actually been good but I will replace eventually with a Leupold (after this corona BS, I'll buy only Made in USA/Canada unless not an option). I plink with this rifle at least once a...
  5. Beah

    Beahs Collection

    Agreed! I could never only have one. I'll be posting 1 or 2 a day from the collection :rock:
  6. Beah

    Beahs Collection

    Since I am home a lot more recently and really like pictures of guns, I thought I'd post my collection. Info: 1986 Ruger Ranch Rifle (223), my father purchased new and gave to me about 10 years ago. Sling I put on but the cheap Bushnell scope was purchased with it in '86. I put 50-100 rounds...
  7. Beah

    State Police investigate officer-involved shooting in Schenectady

    Just read the suspect may have pointed an airsoft/pellet gun at officers.
  8. Beah

    Ruger American Ranch 7.62x39

    I have the 5.56 version as well and also love it. Got it since it takes AR mags and wont be banned in the near future but was pleasantly surprised how fun it is.
  9. Beah

    DONE Rock Island Armory model 14y

    I'll take the 514, PM sent
  10. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Picked up these two (G17 and EZ 380) on Tuesday, took to the range yesterday.
  11. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    More ammo and finished my NY version of a replica A2.
  12. Beah

    Magpul Backpacker Stock for Ruger PCC

    Well the PCC just moved to the top of my "buy" list.
  13. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Just more 22 as usual, LGS had good price on PMAGs so why not? They were out of 22 short so gonna give the Aguila 20 grain stuff a try and see if it feeds through my Remington Speedmaster.
  14. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Just a few things, I always pick up 22 short when my LGS has it in stock and he just got a shipment in of lowers so I figured why not...
  15. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Targets from Amazon. I get most of my stuff from one of my LGS but occasionally I throw targets on a small order of misc stuff.
  16. Beah

    Steel Targets

    Shoot Steel - The Industry Leader in AR500 Steel Targets and Stands and eventually I'll save up enough for a Tactical AR500 Targets, Inc. I like their stands, easy to put setup at my local range or on the public land I shoot on.
  17. Beah

    New deer gun?

    In case you ever get a day off and want to drive north, one of my LGS would definitely do the transfer (Schenectady County). They even have the below lowers in AND have a built AR pistol in the front case for sale, supposedly already sold two. This lower is specifically made for the Capital Gun...
  18. Beah

    School Me on Nuisance Permits/Hunts

    Can confirm that bucks are a no-go but Mama and even Bambi can be taken. We used to get an unlimited amount of permits (not even kidding, 50-100 permits) in the late 90s early 2000s but the DEC only issues 10-20 at a time now and actually comes out to "assess" damage and need for permits. Mama...
  19. Beah

    NYGF Handgun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Pistols and Revolvers !

    Just picked it up yesterday, a blast to shoot. Easiest pistol I've ever cleaned, so simple to take down. I also plan on putting a red dot on it in the next month or so.
  20. Beah

    So what is the real truth about Handgun Hunting?

    Please do let us know what the DEC says, I have wondered this for a while and though I have never hunted with any of my handguns, I have considered hunting squirrel with one of my 22 LR pistols. FWIW, I have found the DEC to be very helpful via email and phone and they actually answer questions...
  21. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Nothing at all! I have no complaints with any 22 LR ammo except for the trash Remington puts out.
  22. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    $25.99 - They don't normally have Federal that's why I picked it up, they usually have just Aguila and CCI.
  23. Beah

    Eat what you store, store what you eat....

    Looks surprisingly good! I do the same with our stores, we backpack/hike a lot so the majority of stuff I have is MRE's and freeze dried packs.
  24. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Small ammo haul today and put some $$ down on a Ruger Mark IV Lite - hoping to get into the county clerk this week but we'll see ...
  25. Beah

    Update On New York State Non-Resident Permit: It’s Official. Officially.

    This is what I said too - this guy had a thread going on Reddit and many others chimed in with the same thought process.
  26. Beah

    NY to PA resident Long Gun Transfer

    Thanks to all for your input - NY laws definitely have me more cautious probably than I should be. I just wasn't sure how the FFL transfer should be done, I'll just bring it with me and go to the LGS, if they wont do the transfer for whatever reason I will bring it back with me and ship it from...
  27. Beah

    NY to PA resident Long Gun Transfer

    Lol, I thought very much about that as I do have at least one or two "evil" rifles already stored in his safe....just wanted to do it the right way, never know when some fool might break in and steal a single shot 22 LR to commit a crime with.:rolleyes:
  28. Beah

    NY to PA resident Long Gun Transfer

    I've searched the forum and found stuff on pistol transfers but not long guns - so I wanted to see if anyone could clarify. I want to give my brother (PA resident and lives outside of Pittsburgh) one of my older 22 rifles that we had as kids but my father gave me. Am I correct that I can bring...
  29. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Bought this today (not planned) and then put 25 shells through it, very fun. I will take it camping/backpacking and for small game. My first 410!
  30. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Monday is my favorite day to go to my LGS, no one there and I can take as along as I want :rock:
  31. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Finished my on-going AR build, received the upper from a fellow forum member yesterday and I am very happy with it so far. Plan is to take it to the range tomorrow, pending how long I can stand the heat....
  32. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    A cheap scope I ordered from Amazon came in yesterday and put it on the model 60. I'll sight it in tomorrow
  33. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Picked up an A2 stock, now to pick out an upper....I am leaning towards 16" HBar Mel 1/7 10" HD Quad Rail Upper Non thread but gonna check out a few LGS first.
  34. Beah

    Commie Army officer discharged

    I saw this too, such a DB...I heard hes changing his name to Ned Isakoff.
  35. Beah

    Another military branch? Space Force!

    I remember when "Hooah" was just becoming popular in the Army, the Air Force tried to copy it with "Air Power"...Not kidding....Then my super nerdy command staff wanted to change it and pushed us all to say "Air and Space Power"....still not kidding.
  36. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Took the 15-22 out today, its in my top 3 favorites to shoot, even with the stupid spur.
  37. Beah

    Agulia ammunition.

    I've shot their 22 Short, Long Rifle (Copper jacket and just lead) and Winchester Magnum Rimfire. I haven't had any issues and generally prefer it over any ammo besides CCI. The WMR is what I shoot the most, I don't like that its made in Mexico but its far better than a lot of the crap...
  38. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Decent haul this week from my LGS. Only really needed the earplugs (I use them camping) but grabbed other stuff I wanted to try out or that was priced well.
  39. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Received from Amazon today, I'll use it when I shoot on state land. My LGS had a few but none that would take 2x4's which I have an ample amount of to use.
  40. Beah

    Transferring Permit to another county

    I went from Niagara to Schenectady in 2015. I went to Niagara Clerks office before I moved, they mailed everything to Schenectady Clerk and then Schenectady clerk called me approx a month later to setup an appointment to change over. I was worried Schenectady wouldn't honor my unrestricted but I...
  41. Beah

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Didnt' have to much to spend this week so just picked up a few things I can always use from my LGS.
  42. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Bought a used wood stock and grip off eBay (separate sellers but they match well)for my Mossberg 500C, originally came in black synthetic. Over the past few years, I've grown more and more fond of the classic look and classic firearms.
  43. Beah

    NYGF Long Gun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Rifles and Shotguns !

    Finally received the stock, dummy magazine, sling and sights for my 10/22-M1 Carbine look-a-like conversion. Now to sight it in, cant wait for the weekend!
  44. Beah

    Sorry not sure where this belongs--- 22 Hornet

    Ha! I have the same situation, only my dad gave me the 22 Hornet ammo, I didn't buy it. @Reno - if you are in the capital region and cgrutt isnt interested in the Ruger 77 I would be.
  45. Beah

    NYGF Handgun Pictures Gallery: Show off your Pistols and Revolvers !

    Took the G19 out today, since I don't ever carry it, I rarely shoot it. I may look for a proper holster and start taking it on my backpacking trips...we'll see.
  46. Beah

    2 Calm,Cool,Collected police men

    Wow, what an entitled tw@t. "Call me commissioner" , give me a break! These officers handled it very well. She is the epitome of the leftist political elite who think they are above everyone else.
  47. Beah

    NYS Corrections

    I see them quite often in and around the hospital I work in, they seem to usually be carrying revolvers if I am not mistaken, I will pay closer attention now and see if they've upgraded around me as well.