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  1. N

    What is legal with a fixed mag in NY

    So where do I turn in my full auto suppressed 30 round bump stock AR? Does Cuomo have a drop box?
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    What is legal with a fixed mag in NY

    What's a DIAS? So a fixed mag AR with a non welded or pinned flash hider and adjustable stock is good to go?
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    What is legal with a fixed mag in NY

    If I have a fixed mag ar in NY can I have a telescoping stock on it? Does the flash hider need to be permanently attached?
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    I agree with you guys. the Saigas are nice guns and really nice guns when they were in the $300s. Now they are going used for $700-$800 but hey maybe the dems and Gop will come together and issue a bill allowing Russia to import them again. Personally I think this may happen right after Cuomo...
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    I have a Saiga sporter in 223. It's basically an Ak without a pistol grip, flash suppressor, upgraded trigger and probably a few other mods. For people unfamiliar it's basically a standard rifle w detachable mag but with no pistol grip or flash suppressor. I was wondering if I thread the...
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    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    I used to work at Darien Lake $4.25/hour plus a 1 hour drive there and 1 hour back with an 80s gas guzzler. Gas was under a buck at the time. The pay sucked but the girls were oh so hot
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    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    I'm with you there but sometimes it can't be avoided. In any event I hate the mall and rarely if ever go there but my wife had some shopping she wanted to do and I decided to tag along. But yes, the mall security is pathetic. I noticed one 300 lb+ jolly fat man, one 60+ year old women and one...
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    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    and I would be surprised, if in some areas of NY (westchester/near cities) if a store owner simply called the cops and said you had a gun without asking you to leave if the cops wouldn't show up and arrest you. in fact I would assume this would be what would happen
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    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    I agree with your analysis based on what others are saying, although no one has cited any law or case stating this. At least it seems intuitive and common sense (which is a shocker for NY), what I'm more concerned with is how it works in a state (apparently like CT) where a business's sign has...
  10. N

    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    Yes definitely not looking to argue with anyone or bring any attention to myself when I'm carrying. For last ditch no way out scenarios only, particularly in backwards NY where you will likely be charged and sued even if you shoot someone while they are raping you. I just looked up CT's...
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    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    Thx everyone makes perfect sense. Anyone know the answer to the same question but for ct? I’m right on the border. Also while I’m at it pa? FYI I have my permit in both states.
  12. N

    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    Ok so basically you are good to carry and if they find out and ask you to you leave. If you don’t leave you can get stuck w trespassing.
  13. N

    When a business has a policy of “no weapons”

    I went to the mall today and decided to look up if they have an anti gun policy. Their policy on their website states “no weapons.” I have my ny cc permit and am wondering how this works. Is this something where if they find I have a gun they can ask me to leave? Or is it the type of thing...
  14. N

    Pistol permit law

    I read 52 cases under the search "pistol license" and "NY" today on lexis nexis and sadly you are essentially correct. NY law is very vague and licensing agents or judges are given broad discretion. This means a judge in an upstate county can issue a permit to pretty much everyone (as long as...
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    Pistol permit law

    Osterliel v bartlett was from the 2nd circuit and ruled that if you domicile out of state but maintain a residence in ny you still qualify for a pistol license.
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    Pistol permit law

    Yes there was and here is the link Osterweil v. Bartlett I don't necessarily think this case helps me though because it concerns someone that left ny but keeps a temporary residence in the county for which they have a permit.
  17. N

    Pistol permit law

    Did you try transferring your permit into westchester county? They are one of the most restrictive in the state. From everything I have been told they will reduce my full carry to a target permit. They also will require some government bureaucrat be given access to my home to "inspect my...
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    Pistol permit law

    Ok thanks and that makes sense. If there is something in the law that says you need to advise the county of the change of address that should be good enough because why would the law include something about a change of address if you cannot change address? Regarding the judge he actually seems...
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    Pistol permit law

    I don't really think this is accurate. I don't think Westchester has any say unless my current county boots me. Under the previous judge I was able to keep my permit in my prior county while I lived in Westchester. I since moved from westchester but my wife wants to move back. Maybe the...
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    Pistol permit law

    Any cite for this? I have at least 13 on my permit now. Does stresschester limit the number of handguns one can own?
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    Pistol permit law

    I guess what I’m looking for is: 1. A law or case or similar that says it is ok for a judge not to require a permit holder transfer out of the county when they move; and/or 2. Evidence westchester would restrict my permit or add additional burdensome requirements. I have heard westchester has...
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    Pistol permit law

    It looks like the newspaper took this down and stopped publishing the names. It also looks like ny state has passed a law allowing for privacy. So I think this reason is dead on arrival.
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    Pistol permit law

    That they would limit my full carry to something else. In terms of publish I meant a few years ago all the permit holders names and addresses in westchester were printed in a newspaper or interactive map via the internet.
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    Pistol permit law

    quick synopsis of my situation: I have my pistol permit in a county in upstate ny since 2006. I have full carry. Since 2006 I have lived in about 5 different counties and the judge in my original county was kind enough to allow me to keep my permit there. A new judge was elected and he has...