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  1. Nevar

    Alec Baldwin Case dismissed In Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting

    Right after you broke His arm.
  2. Nevar

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    If the Fucking Muslims would have not attacked Israel , burned babies alive in ovens. They would still be fucking each others goats PS I have no love for Israel. Remember the USS Liberty
  3. Nevar

    Do you need a background check to purchase a muzzleloader in NY?

    Just a stray thought. It really is all about Gun Registration.
  4. Nevar

    Hunter Biden has been FULLY pardoned.

    did any of us really think the senile old pedo would not pardon the druggie scum bag ??
  5. Nevar

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Another fat kunt liberal
  6. Nevar

    NYSDEC Siezes Squirrel

    fat slob dike Kunt
  7. Nevar

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Liberal scum BAG
  8. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    fuck queers.
  9. Nevar

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Even if she was. Who even feed one to A dog.
  10. Nevar

    Israel: 'State of war' declared after thousands of rockets fired from Gaza Strip

    but it is OK to give/pay millions upon millions to illegal scumbags that murder anyone for a dollar and rape little girls and boys.
  11. Nevar

    Israel: 'State of war' declared after thousands of rockets fired from Gaza Strip

    Then The USA gives "NOTHING" to any country for any reason
  12. Nevar

    Houthi rebels attack US warships

    The senile old pedo and his vegas slut will not do anything. Because Da muzzie obammies said not to.
  13. Nevar

    Federal law requires car makers to start monitoring drivers

    YUP you drive what you are ordered to. I'll drive mine
  14. Nevar

    Gun Humor thread

    Nope those are 44s.
  15. Nevar

    Federal law requires car makers to start monitoring drivers

    if the Gov. can install it. We can diss----connect it.
  16. Nevar

    First Hunting Gun, For Youth

    .22 mag/410 O/U .
  17. Nevar

    Kamala Harris “If somebody breaks in my house, they’re getting shot.”

    She is a self entitled liberal Kunt.
  18. Nevar

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Left wing rich liberal scum bag.
  19. Nevar

    All Things Trump vs. Harris Debate 9/10 (Merged Threads)

    With Respect ...Amazing as to how many Kammy the vegas whore Commie lovers are here. All you heard about is how Trump should not attack the twat. be Nice, be calm . So he did. And Now people say he is a Looser. Short of using Foul language he should let her have it with both barrels in the...
  20. Nevar

    Trump sentencing

    This should get very interesting !! Just wondering how much fake Anti TRUMP shit will the average Person take? How will the "WHO ever ? Take him into custody with The SS and His Private Security , Unless He tells them Stand Down ??
  21. Nevar

    Man charged in lemonade stand robbery in Chesapeake, VA

    Shatter both Knees for A start.
  22. Nevar

    Trump Videos at Arlington Stir More Fallout After Grave Site Visit

    He had permission . Look it up.
  23. Nevar

    NY Cops, - quota time of the month again?

    But if you can flash a TIN or Card. You go free. Want a real laugh Watch the kunts and runts go thru the fun house.
  24. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    Fat queer slob. {censored}
  25. Nevar

    UPDATE! Erie County Sheriff refuses to return 30 firearms despite no charges; plaintiff sues; follow the case here.

    really How so.? put yourself in that mans place before you spout off
  26. Nevar

    UPDATE! Erie County Sheriff refuses to return 30 firearms despite no charges; plaintiff sues; follow the case here.

    Just shows how the hero P*GS think they are gods above the law.
  27. Nevar

    Former Rochester Police officer gets 10 weekends in jail for rape of 13-year-old

    "Short EYES" don't last long inside.
  28. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    Excelent post. So why are so many people willing to vote for a High dollar escort. { escort === whore, sex worker, ] Can even be honest about her history
  29. Nevar

    Iran will have Nuclear Bomb in 2 weeks

    Never . Even with senile old Pedo and big $$$ whore in office. Way to many People in Office/Military LOVE this country Targeting systems are already at work being adjusted
  30. Nevar

    NYS 2024 Proposition 1

    Every time you think this state is F U B A R They take another step toward full retard. If my Niece finds a Male in her locker room . Oh boy [ pun] the fun will start. Because I can Fix STUPID. But it will HURT LIKE HELL PS from the Witch Queen herself. Everyone goes out alone at...
  31. Nevar

    Archie Bunker on Democrats

    100% correct.
  32. Nevar

    JD Vance For VP

    Wonderful pick By who ??. Sure as hell not Trump. Vance will have to call his wife to to take a piss. Big fucking P.C. mistake
  33. Nevar

    Biden attempting to force change to the Judiciary Branch of Gov't

    Fuck Biden and his scumBag family
  34. Nevar

    Massachusetts Plans to Ban All Semiauto Firearms

    Tuff shit. They ??? voted in demoCraps. Now deal with it. Slam FIRE
  35. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    But yours is real .... You think anyone with a Brain would give a fat slob Split Tail a Real gun that works ????????? really
  36. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    Not really, not even close. Fat pig slob should be fired.
  37. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    fat fucking pig
  38. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    Fat split Tail slob
  39. Nevar

    Interested in a serious discussion. (Survival/Prepping)The time may be upon us, are you ready?

    Not saying what I have stored. Only 2 ways off L.I. plane or Boat. I don't like planes. Used to have A great Neighborhood thing. But all moved or died. Now have A limited dependable number. Lots of food and Ways to cook . No in-laws coming solved that shit awhile back. Wife has 4...
  40. Nevar

    Another Dementia Moment

    The fuk anti American liberals will never allow it.
  41. Nevar

    Guns I wish were made but won't be (mostly)

    1- Modernized version of the P239 adapted to take P365 magazines. Never happen 'cause it'd never sell but I'd love one. I have A SIG 239 . Black SS. Don't need the grip to be any larger. Reloads fast.
  42. Nevar

    Up to 43% of US households store loaded guns, study says

    None of my Guns are LOADED . I never let them drink alcohol ....
  43. Nevar

    My feelings on the 2024 Election

    What a traitor scum bag to put all Americans in the same boat. Die slow..