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  1. Nevar

    Level three sex offender who trespassed at nursery school released without bail

    Maybe not you ! but some of your Family,Friends co-workers voted for the liberal crap that did this. DEAL with it.
  2. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    If one is the husband . What is the other one called.???????????????????????? The First ????
  3. Nevar

    NYS Perp Disclosure Reform Kills Another Witness

    What is worse. The fukin jerks that passed this law could care less. They have carry permits and armed guards.
  4. Nevar

    The end of ownership in NY (S7065 and S1412 Bills)

    Love the 90% efficiency . With all due respect I know A few L.E.O.s here on long Island that can't do that with out a Bic pen.
  5. Nevar

    Eminem now getting into the gun debate JEEZ!!

    So some white sissy wanna be THUG wants us to give up our Firearms. Gee anyone else [ comment censored]
  6. Nevar

    1/20/20 Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally discussion (merged thread)

    One of two things will Go down 1 Nothing eventful 2 Something non of us can foresee.
  7. Nevar

    Cardi B Has A Solution For Your Guns...

    Just another Thug bitch slut with Armed guards that cover her fat drug ass.
  8. Nevar

    2A Sanctuary County reaches into NJ

    Good start.
  9. Nevar

    TRIGGERED: 20 times leftists went berserk on campus in 2019

    It is amazing how many males [ can't say men] that took a beating from some fag or liberal kunt. Hit me or mine I will teach you the meaning of FEAR and Pain.
  10. Nevar

    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    Love the comments. Gee wonder why the "ELITE" US forces use .45ACP the KING. ????.
  11. Nevar

    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    Gee if you say so. because the LEO industry issues the 9mm. Because so many [ censored]
  12. Nevar

    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    To end of this debate. Here in nyshit stain your gonna get to fire 10 rounds of of 9mm or 10 rounds of .45acp [ the king] Agreed that the new type of high Vis. 9mm is good. You can,t beat real world the mas of A .45 ACP . Your life, your families life you choose . ps by the grace of...
  13. Nevar

    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    Lets see. Being hit with a fast moving golf ball is A better stop. than being hit with A slower moving bowling Ball.
  14. Nevar

    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    Agree but the .45 has A hell of A lot more mass.
  15. Nevar

    Hello from LI

    what is an ARSENAL ? Will your next post will be about an ASS HALT weapon
  16. Nevar

    Largest MS-13 Bust in NY History. Why bother if Cuomo is going to put them back on the street 1/1/2020

    They are the people that would cut up your son, rape your daughter just gain a CRED. But we common people are not allowed to defend our families . Oh wait the retired 80 LEOS can because they are so much better than We are.
  17. Nevar

    Help me... 9 mm vs 45 ACP

    Hands down the Best Caliber to use for self defense . Is the One you are comfy and good with . That said Funny that all the Calibers are compared to the King and Queen [ in no order] .45ACP .357mag.
  18. Nevar

    Andrew Cuomo Saving Us Again! This time from Assault Sytrofoam!

    Here in sofucked [suffolk county] We have the 5 cent plastic or paper bag fee. Wife and Love fucking with the Super markets . Especially self check out lane. Pay for 1 grab a handful and then smile at the clerk watching. Best is walk back in with A recipt [ that includes the bag fee]...
  19. Nevar

    Meet the Dutch girls who seduced Nazis — and lured them to their deaths

    Like I said Gave the fukin commies way to much credit.
  20. Nevar

    Meet the Dutch girls who seduced Nazis — and lured them to their deaths

    you give the communists way to much credit
  21. Nevar

    Pensacola shooter, 11 injured 2 dead

    Way past over due that TRUMP tells S.A. Drop DEAD. Have no idea how with all his $$$$$ he was bought
  22. Nevar

    Pensacola shooter, 11 injured 2 dead

    Another fuckin Muzzie. When is this shit gonna stop
  23. Nevar

    Poor Kamala Harris: at least one BJ short of what it takes...

    What makes me laugh is this two bit whore thought she could make A real run for the Big seat
  24. Nevar

    Five people charged in shooting at NJ high school football game

    two comments So how is that gun control working for ya ????? FIGURES
  25. Nevar

    Accidental discharge = felony?

    If he was A cop He would be promoted,given a $$$ raise because at his own [ and family] risk he proved how An Ass-Salt lever gun is .
  26. Nevar

    New liability bill coming soon

    Any kind of mandatory Fire arm Insurance is the the first step to 100% gun registration
  27. Nevar

    The Right Needs Better Training and Bigger Sticks

    Need more than ONE person to stand up for the right not to be attacked . And the Police to enforce all the laws equally
  28. Nevar

    More proof as to why I carry!

    If he would have shot just one black thug [ I can say black right ?] There would be race riots.
  29. Nevar

    Beto is not coming for your guns.

    Lets be honest . Please show me a Police officer out there that would disobey a lawful order to take your firearms, risking his pay check and pension. I don't care if it was your brother or cousin. At best he would give you/me A heads up on a burner phone before hand. [ you are smart...
  30. Nevar

    Red Flag; First Abuse in NY?

    This is gonna go south real Fast. There is NOT one of us here that does not have an extended family member/kids teacher/crazy neighbor that does not have a hard on for you. Mark my words.
  31. Nevar

    Norwalk police and FBI say man “showed interest” in mass killing arrested, guns and armor seized

    This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt. That they " them" can can Take you for anything at any time for any reason.
  32. Nevar

    Antigun protest 8/8 at Zeldin's office

    And a 15 year old boy out at 03:45 [ am to civies] is shot and killed in Central Islip [ mostly non english speaking] suffolk county
  33. Nevar

    Presidential seal... this is pretty funny

    Could only guess the shit storm if this was done to the muslim traitor bammy. Love to find out who is gonna take the fall for this. Way to much High end security involved for no one to get [ censored]
  34. Nevar

    Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens dead at 99

    AAAAA gee all broke up about a dead liberal
  35. Nevar

    New York Gov. Cuomo Signs Law to Allow Congress Access to Trump’s State Tax Returns

    Trump has been dealing with assholes like princess andie for years. This is gonna get very interesting.
  36. Nevar

    Family of Las Vegas mas shooting victim sues gun makers

    I don't think it will get to far. Way to many unanswered questions will have to be answered.
  37. Nevar

    Virginia is starting to turn

    First 2 on the list is 1] Ban extended assault clip magazines 2] Ban the deadly military silencer suppressor that make A gun completely silent and makes it faster to shoot because no recoil. What did I forget !
  38. Nevar

    Did 'silencer' make a difference in Virginia Beach carnage?

    just a comment. No no one has yet produced the Suppressor .
  39. Nevar

    Nadler goes to Hospital

    Have not been following this. But Given the signs and symptoms looking at a Mild stroke
  40. Nevar

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    Nice Pic. Did your Mom pick it out for you ? Another closet fudd.
  41. Nevar

    Fun with license plates!

    I fuckin LOVE it
  42. Nevar

    In Search of a lever action rifle.

    Real Hard to Beat a Winchester "94" in 30-30 My old girl was made in 1955
  43. Nevar

    Bill introduced to automatically register New Yorkers as organ donors unless the opt out

    Like the other said. My organs are for Family and close friends. ONLY Note your donated organs [ like blood] are sold. YUP sold. Just like the blood you donated. It is sold. Here On L.I. Hospitals charge you for blood, or replaced 2 for 1. Organs, I'm a window contractor...
  44. Nevar

    Surprise: Most NYers did well by Trump’s tax cuts but very rich at risk

    Wife and I got fucked but not kissed. Paid an extra Grand.
  45. Nevar

    Trump ‘giving strong considerations’ to releasing ICE detainees ‘in sanctuary cities only’

    Fukin Love it. Trump is A Wolf in the Sheep pasture
  46. Nevar

    Trio busted for flooding Brooklyn streets with guns

    Gee the unSafe act working real good.
  47. Nevar

    Sailor booted from Navy. Said Trump depressed her.

    Good bye Bitch. Americans Stand for our Flag