Search results

  1. Nevar

    Anti-depressants and SAFE

    Best of luck to Your Dad. Remember when he gave all his Fire arms years ago for safe keeping. You must have told a few trusted friends about that day. The 30/30 leave it as bait if your think it is post Unsafe act. Do it NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Nevar

    USAF Cadet Developes Bulletproof Breakthrough

    U.S.A.F. Never out Gunned. And now Bullet proof.
  3. Nevar

    Michelle Obama’s CLASSLESS and inappropriate outfit breaks rules for Italian cathedral visit

    Put lipstick on a pig. You still have a pig Put a dress on a Gibbon, still looks like a Gibbon
  4. Nevar

    Parents of Pizza Hut robber question why employee shot their son

    Gee wonder what she [ the black thug bitch] would say if her "perfect" son would have shot 1 or 2 people
  5. Nevar

    It's open Warfare between Trump and CBS

    Left wing cock sucker
  6. Nevar

    Chelsea Clinton Gets Another Award For Doing Nothing Special

    A pig is a pig. . UMM just wonder how many young Girl friends did she bring into Daddies office to kneel under his desk ????
  7. Nevar

    China deploys 150,000 troops to North Korea Border

    President Trump has the ultimate weapon against china. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. The U.S. is China's meal ticket. With out our $$ they will collapse
  8. Nevar

    ICE Agents Now Going To Courthouses To Arrest Undocumented Immigrants

    Works for me. Need more, much more.
  9. Nevar

    Wishlist - Product Requests

    I have a Baikal "ISH 81 KM" 12 gauge Made in Russia imported by EEA. Corp. Mine has the wood stock, would like to find The pistol grip folding stock or the syn. stock with the pistol grip. Also another Box Mag.
  10. Nevar

    BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

    Well said GOPerfect, I been told by many of my friends that are have an ear on the inside track almost the same as you posted. Yet that said, this started figuring Hillbitch would be Pres. And the key word was/is, watch out for new gun control measures that would start it off.
  11. Nevar

    US No Longer A 'Full Democracy,' but It's Not Trump's Fault: Report

    The USA is a Representative Republic