Serious question. No joke, no Bull shit. I was accused on another NY board of Hunting over bait.
So here goes. How far does the Red Flag bill go ? Does it include current and or Retired Police and Peace officers. Thanks.
I'm going with a Win, but he will toss them some type of a bone to save face. This guy think 3 steps further then they do. He acts, they re-act to his moves.
Every time they think they have him Nailed to the wall. He pulls another Rabbit out of someones ass.
As far as the Emergency Build...
Little sisters. Ruger .357 Mag [police service six]. Randall A 311 Le-May [ 1 of 632 ?], PPK clone. Great Little sister. The Big Girls 1955 Winny 30x30. Never fired other than to site in. Early 40s 6.5 x 52 Carcano
The Red flag is pure bullshit. Think "any" family member. Everyone has a family member [ In Law ? ]that has a hard on for you/Us and guns.
The other Social media thing is as bad. Give me your pass word and I become you ! Log on to any web site ?????? wtf
^^ can't argue with that fact. But still he wants another Run. And WE are the ones who can put him in or take him out.
Pretty sure he has another trick up his sleeve.
Agree with ^^^^^ to a point. With the house under shitbag controll. Lets just wait and see. Trump Knows 100% That gun owners put him in office. He is so stupid to bite the hand that feeds him
With respect. Bump stocks are 90% useless.
The way I see it. Is with the liberal House coming into power and Peelousy having a good chance of being speaker [ or someone she can control]
She and Trump are going to need each other. to get anything done. So the bump stock thing is a trade off...
Not even just him. What about the local neighbors? To have a hoard of human garbage roaming the street.
I want to know who paid off the PD. brass Not to show up.
My Black Danes while children friendly will chew you up at the first sign real of aggression on your part.. [Wife trained Both. She obedience and water rescue trained Newfies] Both will turn on with A 2 word command, and turn off with [ not telling you] They will protect any child with...
I am in Suffolk Long Island [ the county of liberal shit and Taxes. ] Give or lend a Fire Arm ? Not a fucking chance in hell. Save for one neighbor I am surrounded by liberal walking targets. And like the other guy said, The hoards will go to easy targets first. Now the one decent neighbor ...
mandatory liability insurance. This one can be real dangerous. Other than the cost. Think ! You got to get it. First think your insurance agent wants to know is " make, model and SER# of EVERY firearm. Instant gun registration
^^^ this.
The red flag is almost A given and the most dangerous. Think about it. Your kid is playing with another kid that is from a Liberal Family and they talk about guns. . Or at school the teacher asks who has family members that hunt. Or on health day as school does your Mommy or Daddy...
Just a Thought You understand that very quickly the stupid left wing ass suckers figure that the POLICE will be there to protect them when the call. And then bitch that the PD was not there in 30 seconds. And There is not enough Spanish language PD or 911 operators. Hey wait until there...
I really don't see this going anywhere soon. First there will have to be talks about the The Talk between Big "D" and rocket boy. Like who, how, what etc.
Then comes the big question Fukin WHERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the real meeting ? Rocket boy is not going anywhere with out his...
The suffolk law is pure BS. Why the fee on paper bags [ if you can find them] The Store get to keep the money
1] at stop and shop self check out, after you scan all your items and select pay, it asks you how many bags. I HIT ZERO. Go ahead put your hands on me as I leave the store...
Thanks Doc.
Funny how we have a Real American Patriot in the The Big seat. The only thing the left shitz and liberal ass licking media do Is try to tear Him down
Sure as hell it is going to be some pansy bitch boy. I fly the STARS and BARS have been for years in the back yard. [ note Old Glory is Higher]
Even had some neighbor man up and ask why. I said two reasons
1- I am related to "Stone Wall Jackson" [ some kind of Great x ? Uncle or...