.357 mag
mandatory liability insurance. This one can be real dangerous. Other than the cost. Think ! You got to get it. First think your insurance agent wants to know is " make, model and SER# of EVERY firearm. Instant gun registration
mandatory liability insurance. This one can be real dangerous. Other than the cost. Think ! You got to get it. First think your insurance agent wants to know is " make, model and SER# of EVERY firearm. Instant gun registration
Nor can the safe act, but we still have it.Cannot pass muster.
The levees have broken @BDinPutnam it's now a matter of how far the flooding goes.Seems like you are in "when, not if" mode, @ArmedCorgi.
Down here in FL LEO used to be able to "buy and fly" on their department ID. Last year after the Parkland shooting the governor passed new laws that increase the purchase age to 21 on rifles, and without a CWP their is a three day wait on all purchases. Had a LEO buying a SIG last night and had to tell him. He thought I was outta my mind.Absolutely none, and no offense taken. I have heard, through a little birdie, that many of the LEO exemptions are on the table to be lessened or taken away. For what it is worth, the SAFE Act was passed prior to me getting hired with my current job. I had what I wanted prior to this job, I never decreased my inventory.
I did numbers 2 and 4.I don't mean to imply I am in panic mode yet. I'm not at all, but I am worried and want to draft out the different ways I would deal with new laws. We all learned a lesson with the passing of the safe act. We mostly thought it would never pass and it did, then we thought it would be struck down and it wasn't. I know there is usually a grace period before new laws go into effect, but depending on what gets passed that may be enough time to adapt or it may not. Even if Albany only manages one new regulation a year, each year it will become harder and harder to navigate the laws and harder and harder to be a gun owner in this state.
I guess maybe a better way to put this is, my goal is to get out of New York. Once my GF and I find where we want to go, we can start selling stuff off and cleaning house to lose everything we don't need to take with us. As far as guns go in the time between when we find where we want to go and when we get there (because it may take years after finding our spot), how do I manage the guns?
Obviously without knowing what will be passed it's hard to speculate but we can generate some options and opinions of what one might do (contingencies).
1. Keep everything I have and do what I can to comply, if there are ways to comply. - this could get expensive.
2. Send stuff out of state to either friends or family. - means I may have to go out of my way to pick them up when its time and that they may need to be retransfered to me (more nics).
3. I rent storage out of state and store them. - may have to go out of my way to pick them up. may have corrosion issues. could get expensive.
4. Sell what I can or feel isn't essential or what cannot be made to comply to either fund a replacement gun or to help fund moving out of NY.
5. Sell what I feel will most likely be affected by what's coming down the pipe to avoid having to deal with compliance and lighten my load with moving.
6. Just sell everything to help fund my move and start over when I get to where I'm going.
Look at this like a bug out scenario. You have to go, what do you do?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Friends...I think it's no secret that there is most probably a literal shit storm of gun control and draconian regulations coming our way very soon and in perpetuity here in NYS. While I pride myself for not melting down over this fact, I'm not just going to stick my head in the sand and ignore the writing on the wall.
I should state before I pose the general questions at issue here, that I hate to, and as a general rule, DO NOT sell or trade a gun unless that sale or trade is towards another gun more suited to my POU (to borrow a term). That said, in light of what may or may not be coming our way, what is the best course of action for gun ownership survival here in this state? My GF and I want out, but we have yet to decide where that is and we don't want to just recklessly leave with no plan. Plus, we still need to accumulate the funds necessary to achieve that goal. Granted, without knowing exactly what is going to happen, it's hard to adequately prepare. However, assuming the worst or close to it, I feel there must be a solution that offers piece of mind in the sense of not having to worry about being thrown in jail or having other potential legal problems.
The situation:
Everything I currently own is, as of now, NY compliant.
I have semi-auto rifles, shotguns and pistols.
I have bolt, pump and lever action guns as well.
Revolvers too.
Do I send the guns I own that are most likely to be targeted by new legislation, out of state for safe keeping until I can move out?
Do I sell them now and fund a different platform less likely to be regulated?
Do I whittle down my inventory to lessen the burden for moving? - This question is the more important one in my opinion. Someone close to me once told me to imagine if I had to carry everything I owned on my back. How hard would it be for me?...So would a smart move be to eliminate the non essential guns to lighten the load, with the idea of re-acquiring them after I get to where I want to go?
Do I transfer my handguns to a friend or relative out of state and surrender my NYS permit so as to avoid all the eggshell walking and potential vulnerabilities with having a permit?
I am bringing these things up as a means of starting the discussion for people who want to bug out of NY, but don't necessarily have the means to do it at the drop of a hat.
Please post your thoughts and ideas for strategies.
I am sorry to hear you are in that situation. I fear I may be in a similar one, though I am not married to her. This could get very hard to deal with indeed.I have already gotten "no" and "no" from the wife on transferring to my Houston, or Orlando, office. We have an office in Atlanta, but already have someone there.
Here I stay. Here I stand.
My concern right now is mandatory liability insurance. I think the costs of that are going to be punitive. Again, we'll have to wait and see.
^^ @ProgSpear is spot on here!! This is no doubt where we allowed them to begin controlling the Country. They are now in full "indoctrination" mode with all future generations!! It is a known fact, that if you can capture their mind, you will capture their soul!!We have allowed them to capture the educational sphere, particularly in the cites, and that was our primary failing
Yea, that's what we thought about the SAFEact. How'd that work out??Cannot pass muster.
I was fortunate, my Wife was just as eager to GTFOONYS as I was.I have already gotten "no" and "no" from the wife