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  1. kemo357

    Terrifying Arsenal discovered in Boston (yeah, right)

    Oohhhh the fear mongering.
  2. kemo357

    Lets talk Red Dots on handguns

    @Robin is around. I spoke with him.
  3. kemo357


    What scopes are you using for center fire rifle hunting? I’ve decided that I want a new hunting rig (whitetail) for next year and I want some decent glass. I’d like to keep the optic under a grand. Vortex and Leupold are my first choices. Thoughts?
  4. kemo357

    Which would you choose, Colt Single Action Army or Colt 1911?

    I’m gonna be that dick. Both!
  5. kemo357

    Glock 44 / SIG p322

    Get whatever one you like and shoot the hell out of it!
  6. kemo357

    Glock 44 / SIG p322

    My favorite is the Glock only because it suits my practice needs better. However I think that the Taurus is a very good gun and has out performed MY G44 as far as malfunctions go. I don't know what you are looking to get out of this purchase but if it is just for an all around fun plinker 22 I...
  7. kemo357

    Glock 44 / SIG p322

    I have the TX22, G44 and the S&W 22 compact. TX22 is awesome, it has a good trigger and is accurate but as previously said being a lefty, it is not the best design. Spent cases bounce off of my thumb and cause malfunctions. I have an older G44, it has had some feeding issues. Still a solid...
  8. kemo357

    November-December 2022 Target Challenge

    Shit! Labeled that wrong, shot with the G19 not the G45.
  9. kemo357

    November-December 2022 Target Challenge

    Official entry for rimfire and centerfire pistol. Some line breaks.. @dsdmmat please feel to adjust accordingly.
  10. kemo357

    Lets talk Red Dots on handguns

    What red dot should I try with the PDP? I have Burris, Vortex, Leupold, Steiner, Trijicon and Aimpoint. A dot I do not have but would love to try is the SRO. Thoughts?
  11. kemo357

    DONE Small collection (of older rifles)

    Have any pics on the Mosins?
  12. kemo357

    September-October 2022 Target Challenge

    Shot today. Official entry for rimfire and centerfire.
  13. kemo357

    So UPS just went full brownshirt

    Moron here…how do they know what’s in the box?
  14. kemo357

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Snagged this neat High Standard Sentinel Imperial 22. Throw it into the vintage pile.
  15. kemo357

    New P365?? XMACRO?

    The reason for me is that I have large hands. I would already own a 365 and a 365xl but the grip is too small for me. I’m hoping the macro fixes this issue for me.
  16. kemo357

    New P365?? XMACRO?

    I’m thinking I want one.
  17. kemo357

    Glock 43x

    Light and sight. You don’t want a light on your EDC?
  18. kemo357

    Jul-Aug 2022 Target Challenge

    Had a 2 day with Modern Samurai Friday, Saturday. I’ll try to get out this weekend.
  19. kemo357

    Lets talk Red Dots on handguns

    Aaron has the P2 video out.