I don’t think the state’s original intent was to force people to buy ammo out of state as much as it was to put the screws to us and slow down the free flow of ammo.
We are being hit with a two dollar and fifty cent charge for every check, that in itself is an insult.
l can’t blame anyone who...
Perfect ! Now watch this horrible excuse for a president lay down the red rug for a shit ton of filthy turd world psychopaths to be turned loose on our communities.
Furthermore, shitzispants will probably fly them in to this country on our dime.
fuck em all!
The 3030 lever action was my choice for wild pigs when l lived in Australia, ample power, quick fallow up shots and good out to 150 yrds + and yes, using iron sights.
Plain and simple, the sonofabitch has no intention of resupplying our strategic petroleum reserve because it goes against their foolish plan to force electric vehicles down our throats .
The way l see it , Biden is public enemy number one at this point.
Ps fuck all democrats . Fuck them all !
Good advice!
There is not even a federal requirement for a dealer to ask for I.D. when purchasing ammunition.
Wonder what other bogus information that asshole is spewing to unwitting customers?
No way, my wife graduated from HP the class of 75! You must know her and she must know you however, I would not like to disclose her name or my name on this forum.
Welcome Trapper 30-30 you’ve arrived at a great place here, lots of laughs and good info , a place to vent your frustration in a non politically correct manner. We are far from woke on this sight .
B vile hasn’t changed much other than the bowling alley closing and they opened up a weed shop...
Typical liberal hype,never failing to not think things through before announcing some kind of knee jerk action or reaction.
I don’t think anyone in my part of central ny heats with anything other than either natural gas , propane, or heating oil, all ‘ fossil fuels’ because electric heating is...
Shitzispants & Co. have the audacity to blame the abomination at the southern border on President Trump so you can bet a future attack here will somehow be credited to him, the MAGA republicans, and all those white nationalists / supremesists ( bull fucking shit ) that the lying fucks claim to...
Obvious Trump derangement syndrome. No one’s above
the law huh? Well, unless you are a Democrat and pure as the wind driven snow like the Biden crime family it’s really good to know that that we have a man of principal among us so much so that he would pile on shit to the only person in this...
This judge said in her ruling that this illegal ( she incorrectly called the guy undocumented ) had no criminal record….. WTF , does the dum twat not understand we are a nation of laws and one of them prohibits entering this country illegally?
Sanders does not know what he’s talking about. The guy never had a real job in the private sector of any importance. His claim of today’s workers being 400% more productive than those in the 1940s is ludicrous. I’d like to see where he got those numbers.
Proposing a four day week for five days...
I can only surmise that all of us here on this forum would never forget that we are carrying ( l never have) much less walk into a school with a firearm.
lt is also my guess that few or none of us at all would get away Scot free if we were caught, instead our lives would be ruined mercilessly...
When I am pulled over by the po po l don’t want to give them any excuse to screw up my day. All l want is to continue on my way.
I don’t consider them as adversaries in the first place , most of them in my local seem to normal folks who just want to work their shift an go home to their...
Perfect! Suck on this Joyless Reid.
Put this in your pipe and smoke it Rachael Madcow, sit on this one Joe Scarborough.
There are plenty of these types of
statements on film where liberals at least acknowledged common sense principles and universal truths.
It just shows how radical and...
Now that the historic Remington plant in ilion has sadly closed for good and officially moved to Georgia , will the value of the Mohawk Valley made firearms see an increase in value and become more desirable?
Will someone please sit this ignorant fool down and introduce him to the truth for fucks sake !
Will someone please ask him to qualify those absurd allegations.
Will someone please make him explain what he bases his
“ feelings “ on .
oh how l would love to be stuck on an elevator with this...
According to the libtards the real crime here is the referring to an illegal as an illegal over the horrific murder of an innocent young woman caused by that illegal.
Whoever he chooses will be qualified regardless of race or gender, unlike “ his predecessor “
who was selected solely by virtue of her color and sex . Shit for brains cameltoe was the result.
Should Gavin Newsome ever make a run for the presidency you can bet your ass he will pick some form of...