Even a democrat can see their guy is mentally crippled and cannot run for office again and must be removed. This may be the beginning of the end of Biden.
It’s in the cards .
Yes same here only I use synthetic 5w-20.
As it doesn’t thicken up like conventional oil and slow the slide down in cold weather.
l don’t think that the type of oil is that critical as long as it prevents metal to metal contact and depending on how much crap the environmental conditions ad to...
I pretty much use the same method but i use the lizard bedding from the pet store ( walnut l believe ) with either a couple spoons of mineral spirits or turpentine in a Dillon case cleaner . I have used pre wax cleaner like you use on cars and that seems to work well also.
l will never again...
Me too. The left wing establishment which includes the dominant political party, the mainstream media, academia, the social media ( YouTube , facebook etc ) the banks and major woke corporations will certainly pull out all the stops to make sure the election goes to the candidate of their...
Yes she will indeed, Whorecul and that fairy Gavin nuisance are joined at the hips ( by means of a strap-on which she wears) and starting today Ca. Residents are treated with the same extreme anti 2nd amendment shit we are saddled with. Now watch the whore sign a bill to give the wetbacks tax...
Why not just put together your own MRE’s from the supermarket?
You can put together meals from a wide range of non perishable items, get exactly what you like and nothing you don’t and save yourself a butt-load of money.
Don’t worry because the EU can’t impose this lunacy on the U.S. but you can bet your ass that the assholes like whorecul and nuisance from Ca. Fucking will.
Absolutely right sir foot , he makes bill Clinton sound like honest Abe.
I would not discount this pos because he lies so naturally with a confident demeanor that the ignorant sheep will support him and the main stream media will not question his blatant dishonesty in the slightest.
I think...
All you high and mighty republicans on this forum need to wake up because we are in a war for the future of what is left of this republic
No doubt Santos is a D bag but this kiss ass move has just taken away another vote in the house from an already paper thin majority.
The other side does not...
I agree they should have public service announcements advising people to comply with law enforcement instead of violently resisting and this needs to be re enforced from k through 12 in schools as well.
It may also take away their excuse to riot, loot, burn, murder, and destroy the businesses of...
Since you are not planning to load hot and are using standard weight projectiles ( for 5.56 ) I would not sweat over it.
Get a chronograph if you don’t already have one, and check the velocity over the range of temperatures you shot in throughout the year. You will be able to compare velocities...
Plenty of hate speech at all those anti Jew, pro hamas rallies we’ve seen recently and they are out in the open. No need to go to social media for that.
don’t remember the feds or the purple tie guys acting on that.
Further proof that we are living in a police state with shit like this imposed on us with increasing regularity. What falls under the category of hate speech? Anything they disagree with, anyone who does not conduct themselves as a good little subject of the state.
Just one more way to impose...
How was this mindless idiot ever appointed CIA director or even hired by them in the first place?
How is it that this ass clown is taken seriously and is employed to hear his fucked up opinion?
send this sack of shit to Gaza yesterday!
A cousin of mine gave up his FFL a couple of months ago . This is the sad reality of living in NYPS (New York police state) . All part of the big plan to remove our constitutional rights by unconstitutional means .
What we need here is the truth plain and simple, just the bare naked facts! ……….but with the FBI in icontrol, public enemy number one , l am more than a bit skeptical
Those 11 states that plan to screw us by 2035 better come up with a new fuel source because electricity is out of the question. Ain’t no way they can meet the explosive demand placed on the grid without the fossil fuels to generate it.
What l meant, and l should have said in the Middle East because their enemies would like to destroy us too .
Israel has provided us with intelligence and other support but no , I can’t recall them fighting along side us ……not yet.
Yeah, why care when the only true ally we have suffered a blow not seen since world war ll?
Why care when you see the images of atrocities carried out upon innocent men, women and children, or reports that 40 infants were found decapitated and entire families slaughtered in their homes and...
They won’t be walking. They will be driving unregistered and uninsured vehicles all over this country and the propagandist media will be covering for them when they fuck up and kill legitimate citizens.
Glad you like where you live in Utica but there are some real shit hole areas inhabited by shit hole people, mainly east and west Utica .
Very depressed places to live especially in the winter when the sun rarely shines.
get the 638 and be done with it you will not be disappointed. I carry mine in a de Santis neoprene pocket holster and it disappears except for a slight bulge which no one notices this is a set up I use for formalwear, weddings, funerals, etc. or like you said a quick trip to the corner market...
My thoughts exactly. The police officer should have punched that assholes ticket when he brandished the knife period !
A huge public service would have been provided and a valuable message would have been sent.
The smallest handgun, I carry is a 638 loaded with buffalo bore +p 158gr gas checked swchp at 950 fps ( I’ve chronographed them myself). Yes , recoil is a bit snappy an the rounds print higher than standard but I can deal with that. This round out of 2 inch bbl out classes anything the 147gr 9mm...
And the capital cop who executed Ashleigh Babbit got absolutely nothing! Petty much portrayed as a hero by the commies/democrats and oh yah he was black so they had to excuse him.
You know that if the roles were reversed and the skin colors were swapped it would be murder in the first degree.