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  1. Far king

    Governor Hochul Marks One-Year Anniversary of the Implementation of Stronger Gun Safety Laws in New York State

    The problem is the fucking yeast - infected cunt was never interested in the facts or data because they go against her tyrannical agenda.
  2. Far king

    ATF Agents with AR-15s and Tactical Gear Raided Gun Dealer’s Home in Oklahoma

    Let the names and addresses of the jackbooted thugs be known.
  3. Far king

    Mitch McConnell freezes up again during Kentucky press conference

    He and Feinstine should hook up
  4. Far king

    Gun fired at White Sox game was snuck in via woman’s ‘belly fat’

    Lemmy guess, the gun was a 320 and now she’s gunna try to sue Sig.
  5. Far king

    ammo background checks. Introducing Jaime's Law

    Shame on any combat veteran who voted democrat period !
  6. Far king

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I feel your pain, Bigfoot I moved here from Georgia
  7. Far king

    Chris Christie to Run for President in 2024

    Chris christy is a RINO in a walrus’s body.
  8. Far king

    New York State Police investigate trooper involved shooting

    Hey troopers , just don’t forget who all pays you those ridiculously high salaries you collect. Hint, it ain’t the fucking governor.
  9. Far king

    Be Careful Who You Purchase Training From, Not All Training Is Good, Example Inside.

    Well at least he used some tacticool language like “ run “ rifle.
  10. Far king

    Is it even possible to become "The Gray Man"

    As I understand it being a gray man means not sticking out or attracting attention to yourself. The question is, who do you wish to look gray to?
  11. Far king

    Rep. Cori Bush introduced a resolution Thursday to for federal reparations that would amount to over 14 trillion

    If reparations would not spark a race war in this country, nothing else could.
  12. Far king

    Did NYS finally remove the 7-round magazine rule

    The question l have is how many of the folks who carry guns, badges and handcuffs are up to date on the law ?
  13. Far king

    Arkansas man facing felony gun charges after commercial truck inspection on the Thruw

    That sir, would be a dream come true. Spot fucking on !
  14. Far king

    Arkansas man facing felony gun charges after commercial truck inspection on the Thruw

    Unfortunately the guy was careless and now he’s paying a steep price for it . NY has screwed over another hard working citizen. Fuck the asshole cops that arrested him. I’m sure they feel so much safer now.
  15. Far king

    CLIMATE CHANGE......Greta Thunberg Calls For “Overthrow of Whole Capitalist System”

    Just a question concerning her new book that she is peddling. Are the crayons sold separately?
  16. Far king

    BIG DAY! FIVE 2A Cases Challenging New York's Post Bruen Gun Control!

    Agree wholeheartedly Dr.-Jessica Tarloff.
  17. Far king

    Man shot over 70 times dies on porch of Tioga home, police say

    If the guy was really shot 70 times then what would be the total round count when you add in all the misses?
  18. Far king

    What do you believe is a loaded firearm?

    A gun with a round chambered is loaded. A gun with an empty chamber but with rounds in its magazine ( inserted in the gun) is also loaded. The difference is in their state of readiness.
  19. Far king

    What do you believe is a loaded firearm?

    A firearm is without question loaded when it contains 1 or more rounds of ammunition whether or not a round is in the chamber .
  20. Far king

    Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago Loses Her Bid for Re-election

    Good riddance beetle juice you will never ever begin to wash the blood of thousands of murdered Chicago residents from your hands as the result of your liberal and misguided policies as mayor.
  21. Far king

    DeSantis Is Done - Gets Soros "Endorsement" As "...shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious..."

    The only reason sore ass would say he endorses De Santis would be to damage him in the eyes of people too simple to figure this out.
  22. Far king

    Australian gun owner arrested, guns and ammo seized, because he didn’t get a permit to build a bunker and gun range in his basement

    Welcome to the forum mate! Don’t think you got anyone’s back up with anything you said in fact we are well aware of the state of affairs as to the impending tyranny coming our way. Here in NYstate we are in the midst of a legal battle with an evil bitch governor hell bent on erasing our...
  23. Far king

    Wilson Combat makes their version of the sig365

    For the guy who thinks that throwing away money will make him a better shooter.
  24. Far king

    Ammo background check law

    Wtf ! Several months ago I added semi auto rifle to my pp and was charged $20 in Oneida Co. Was there a charge for that tag as well?
  25. Far king

    Permit for Semi-Auto Rifle

    It was $ 20
  26. Far king

    New smith and wesson equalizer

    I’d rather not have a plate with ugly set screws on top of my slide and I don’t need a “ superior sighting system “ on my weapon open sights work just fine.
  27. Far king

    Jonathan Turley Warns Liz Cheney Irate Staffers Are Turning against Her over Jan 6 Committee

    And the stupid twat actually has the gall for running for future office?
  28. Far king

    Looking for a new CCW.

    So you must mean hammer fired and steel or alloyed rather than plastic? Good luck
  29. Far king

    New smith and wesson equalizer

    Don’t need the optics cut . Don’t need anything that makes the gun more bulky and don’t want anything that relies on a battery at all , lasers , scopes or any of that garbage! Hope this trend of optics cuts doesn’t spread to all new handguns.
  30. Far king

    Temporary Restaining Order Issued For Concealed Carry Improvement Act (merged thread)

    If the arresting department is the state police will they too be subject to monumental lawsuits?
  31. Far king

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For An Audit Of Ukraine Funding

    At least Marjorie is bringing the subject to light when so many others who are supposedly on our side seemingly sit on their hands , don’t make waves and collect a fat paycheck.
  32. Far king

    This may be the most dangerous Executive Order of all times. EO 14067 Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets

    The Amish use banks . At least my Amish neighbor who bought timber from me and paid with a check does .
  33. Far king

    Temporary Restaining Order Issued For Concealed Carry Improvement Act (merged thread)

    Seems like the 2nd circuit has more respect for the tyrants of NYS than They do for SCOTUS.
  34. Far king

    BREAKING: Chuck Schumer calls for amnesty for all 11 million or more illegal immigrants in the US

    What a swell idea Chuck ! And let’s house them in your district!
  35. Far king

    Temporary Restaining Order Issued For Concealed Carry Improvement Act (merged thread)

    That sounds cool but wouldn’t one then become a “ white supremacist domestic terrorist “ ?
  36. Far king

    NY State Police say they recovered illegally possessed PSAK-47 during traffic stop......

    After reading this story I let out a sigh of relief. I feel so much safer now that this firearm is off the streets! Thank you Kathy s police mans, geepers you’re the best !
  37. Far king

    Attorney General James Cracks Down on Online Ammunition Sellers Illegally Shipping Ammunition to New York

    Laqueefa is cracking down on online ammo sales because we all know that is where criminals go to when they need to load up their illegal guns.
  38. Far king

    To All You Pennsylvanians. (How on Earth can you vote to send Fetterman to Congress?)

    Seriously have you actually seen one? If you have I’d really like to hear about your experience. There have had some sightings here in the south western Adirondacks over the last couple of years and Steve Isdahl from How to hunt .com has reported them. Btw the tard from Pa would make a great...
  39. Far king


    In my county you don’t need to but I had to pay 20 bucks to have semi auto rifle printed on my pistol permit and I believe that’s the same state wide . Btw l had no restrictions on my old permit.
  40. Far king

    I heard Erie County, NY will no longer require a training for a premise permit

    Unless something has changed in Oneida Co. the only type of pistol permit is “concealed carry “ . premise permits are not even offered here but l think it would be a good thing now in light of all whorchuls bs
  41. Far king

    NY Post running with Dump Trump theme

    Elon musk and Gillian Turner , the foxy red head from Fox News both from South Africa.
  42. Far king

    Nys election results suck

    I don’t give two shits for those clowns that you continue to post on this and other threads; Rove, McConnell , et al whom your quote blames for squandering the red wave in fact l despise the damn turtle from KY . I really don’t credit any of them nor Donald Trump for the disappointing losses in...