Unfortunately the guy was careless and now he’s paying a steep price for it . NY has screwed over another hard working citizen. Fuck the asshole cops that arrested him. I’m sure they feel so much safer now.
A gun with a round chambered is loaded.
A gun with an empty chamber but with rounds in its magazine ( inserted in the gun) is also loaded.
The difference is in their state of readiness.
Good riddance beetle juice you will never ever begin to wash the blood of thousands of murdered Chicago residents from your hands as the result of your liberal and misguided policies as mayor.
Welcome to the forum mate! Don’t think you got anyone’s back up with anything you said in fact we are well aware of the state of affairs as to the impending tyranny coming our way. Here in NYstate we are in the midst of a legal battle with an evil bitch governor hell bent on erasing our...
I’d rather not have a plate with ugly set screws on top of my slide and I don’t need a “ superior sighting system “ on my weapon open sights work just fine.
Don’t need the optics cut . Don’t need anything that makes the gun more bulky and don’t want anything that relies on a battery at all , lasers , scopes or any of that garbage! Hope this trend of optics cuts doesn’t spread to all new handguns.
At least Marjorie is bringing the subject to light when so many others who are supposedly on our side seemingly sit on their hands , don’t make waves and collect a fat paycheck.
After reading this story I let out a sigh of relief. I feel so much safer now that this firearm is off the streets! Thank you Kathy s police mans, geepers you’re the best !
Seriously have you actually seen one? If you have I’d really like to hear about your experience. There have had some sightings here in the south western Adirondacks over the last couple of years and Steve Isdahl from How to hunt .com has reported them. Btw the tard from Pa would make a great...
In my county you don’t need to but I had to pay 20 bucks to have semi auto rifle printed on my pistol permit and I believe that’s the same state wide . Btw l had no restrictions on my old permit.
Unless something has changed in Oneida Co. the only type of pistol permit is “concealed carry “ . premise permits are not even offered here but l think it would be a good thing now in light of all whorchuls bs
I don’t give two shits for those clowns that you continue to post on this and other threads; Rove, McConnell , et al whom your quote blames for squandering the red wave in fact l despise the damn turtle from KY .
I really don’t credit any of them nor Donald Trump for the disappointing losses in...