The prick needs to get out of the way. If the general election was held now Biden would beat him based on the results of the mid terms .
He was a great President for this country and could have been elected by a land slide if he had only conducted himself as a normal person and shown a little...
I like those numbers but remembering what happened after the general election, I’m a bit pessimistic. I fear Pa and Ga won’t come through for us as per the last election (too many ignorant sheep and the possibility of corruption)
I’m guessing GOP+2
After all we’ve been put through since the democrats stole the election ( and got away with it) the sky is the limit with these scoundrels. The broken glass on the outside of the house, no alarm sounded , no security guards responding, no security camera footage revealed and on and on ! if you...
Way to go Elon , clean house and go for broke! Fuck those damn libtards ! You paid a fortune for it and now it’s all yours ! Take no prisoners. You owe them nothing.
1- Treat every gun as al loaded gun.
2- Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are on target and ready to shoot.
3- maintain control of the guns muzzle. Never point the gun at anything you don’t want to destroy.
4- make sure of your target and what is behind it.
gun safety announcement
The venue security measures are not operating on the “ honor system “ people are not simply asked to not enter with prohibited items, they are physically and or electronically screened .
59 l flew to New Zealand when I was 11 years old and countless times since then. There was always some form of security screening on every flight I’ve been on . After 911 security measures have been intensified ie: removing shoes and belts , going through body scanners etc .
What’s your point?
So there should be no air port security either ? It’s not all about our right to arm our selves. What about explosive devices? In a controlled environment such as this or a political rally all weapons must be prohibited. Outside of a controlled environment such as just about everywhere else we...
Remember what happened to Lee Zeldin recently, he was attacked while on stage. Ron DeSantis is the 2nd most hated republican, by the liberal wack-jobs only surpassed by Donald Trump .
There is a strong likelihood that there are many who would make a hit on him given the chance and airport type...
Ok here’s my answer: I’m not waiting for the crowd to tell me what policies are unjust and invalid. A long time ago l settled on this decision. I always maintained the belief that I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 . I work hard , pay my taxes, stay out of trouble and live by the...
Good, I’ve read that production facilities there are state of the art and quality is very good.
I don’t need another JM Browning pattern 45 as l already have 6 of them but that’s a great buy for someone looking for a heavy duty 45 auto service pistol, and if l had the extra cash I’d probably go...
It seems to me that the majority of the forum members are looking to the TRO becoming a reality on Wednesday or at least extremely optimistic. Knowing how no holds barred dirty the thugs in the capital can play, I’m hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I would be interested in your take...