Well, the reason why me and my family hadded to leave NY is a long story, I was 9 and didn't have any influence over it.
Anyways, I wanted to thank everyone for all the help, and all the pics, ecpecialy the one were you can see the stock hinge folded from the rear, I couldn't find any HD pics...
As for the AK's, here's another AK-105, it has a fixed stock, but it has wood instead of polimer furniture. It also could be a modified AIMr or a custom-built AK. I'm not even sure is it real or not...
is there any sort berreled AK variant that has a fixed stock? Any?
No, I actualy wanted to make a rubber non-firing model of it, and it would be hard for me to make a folding stock, that's why I asked you guys if there's no AK-105 with a fixed stock.
No, I'm not in NY, I'm in Poland, but I was born in NY
Hello, everyone!
So I was recently planning to build an AK variant, and I'm considering the AK-105, due to the fact that it has a shorter berrel, which would be therefor harder to break. I never made an AK before, so I'm starting with the simplest variants. Now, when I was searching this, I saw...
My name is Paul, and I was born in New York, and live in Poland. My hobby are firearms, it's my whole life, however, I have Asperger Syndrome, so I don't think that I'll ever get a firearms permit, in Poland or the USA pr anywere. I did however see and hold a few real guns, since I live...