Search results

  1. P

    Donahoo Consulting Training in Peekskill

    I took my ”live fire” course with him for my upgrade. Nice guy, easy to schedule, not terribly expensive. I’d say go for it.
  2. P

    WTB M1 Garand

    Greek return M-1
  3. P

    WTB M1 Garand

    I’ve got a Greek Return M1 I purchased from the CMP over a decade ago that I’d be willing to let go. PM me if you’re interested.
  4. P

    Glock 19 Comps!

    Are these legal in NY? Do they not require a threaded barrel to install? I thought that was a no-no, as it makes you want to do bad things with your gun or something like that.
  5. P

    So this just happened - MA

    Can you provide some details on the process? This interests me...
  6. P

    Putnam County

    Has anyone applied for a license or upgrade since the untimely death of Judge Reitz? Have there been any changes?
  7. P

    WTB Mosin nagant, Chinese SKS.

    I have a Chinese SKS for sale. PM me for details.
  8. P

    WTB .44 Magnum 3" Revolver

    I like mine. Comfortable to carry and comforting in the woods...
  9. P

    DONE Mini 14 Stainless Ranch

    I’ll trade you for a Chinese SKS.
  10. P

    F/S Chinese SKS

    I don’t believe so, unless I’m looking in the wrong place.
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    F/S Chinese SKS

    Time for a bump on this. Anyone want to make me an offer? Otherwise it’s going back into the back of the safe... or maybe turned into a bubba deer rifle with a montecarlo stock...
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    F/S Chinese SKS

    No interest?
  13. P

    F/S Chinese SKS

    Would consider a trade involving a 10MM pistol or a Trijicon RMR, if anyone feels like dealing.
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    F/S Chinese SKS

    I pulled it out the safe again this evening to take a look. It’s a cool little carbine - I’ll be sad to see it go, but have other projects to fund. The numbers on the bolt, receiver, and magazine all match and start with “PH”. I have no idea if they are original serial numbers or import...
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    F/S Chinese SKS

    I believe that the numbers do match, but will confirm. If you can tell me how to tell what plant it’s from, I’ll try and figure it out.
  16. P

    F/S Chinese SKS

    Chinese SKS with attached blade bayonet. I purchased this a few years back, cleaned off the cosmoline, and put it in my safe. Classic Firearms currently has these with a spike bayonet for $399 plus tax, shipping, and transfer. Save on shipping and tax and buy mine for $400 cash. Meet me at...
  17. P

    Who has actual experience with Stock RMR cut Glock slides?

    I’ve run a Gabe Suarez slide for about five years now. No issues at all.
  18. P

    WTB 10MM

    Who’s got a 10MM sitting in their safe collecting dust that they want to let go of? Glock 20/40 or Sig220 would be ideal, but willing to consider anything. Let me know what you’ve got!
  19. P

    DONE Glock 40 10mm

    Still available?